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Life Lessons

L’ARTISTE Mag n°22

Dylan O’brien Inspires Us to Push Through the Pain and the Struggle

What is Keto Diet?

Importance and Significance of following a diet

We Are Everywhere And Nowhere All At The Same Time
John Gorman

Awesome post, John.

I agree with your point about social media but it’s part of a much bigger, base phenomenon. Behavioral economics tells us that once our basic needs are met, an increase in income doesn’t make us happier and actually leads to growing discontent. This means that there are literal diminishing returns on…

Taking the Time to Be Better

On my recent (and rare) family vacation, I finished reading my good friend, Chad Bockius’ first book, Be Better— a highly valuable read, and my favorite book I’ve devoured this year. Shortly after closing the cover, I called Chad to tell him how much I loved the book and how…

Talent And Hard Work Aren’t Friends

Paradoxically, a lot of what makes someone talented gets in the way of real hard work.

By that I mean that most times the opposite of talent looks like hard work. And most times the more talent you have the harder it is for you to get any…

What If You Enjoy Being Quiet In A Crowd?
Deb Knobelman, PhD

I liked this one, Deb Knobelman, PhD! My first accounting professor (well, he was a PhD candidate) at FSU gave us the Meyers-Briggs test. I was fascinated by it! (I still am.)

The candidate must have dropped out of the program, though. About a year later I saw him at the airport in full-on hare krishna gear (robe and ‘do)…