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Life Lessons

Why We Need A Frankl Leadership Mindset — not Zuckerberg

I’ve read this post about Mark Zuckerberg several times since it was published and I continue to come back to a central question that a professor in a Religions of Modern Man course asked a class of freshmen in 1970:

Yesterday is tomorrow and today is going, going …gone

The sturdy dhoni chugs away from the shores of Gan Lamu in search of my dream fish. It was a stunning setting, warm soft sun lazily awakening, the morning prayers vaguely heard in the distance, the palms shadowing the village, and I was…

The Importance Of Being You

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Following on from my last post about the danger of comparing ourselves to others, I thought it would be helpful…

Start again, start your plan

When I finished the university, I thought “that was the end, I had my degree”, nobody told me it was the beginning, but the beginning for what?
In my country, Internet and other technological resources are not available for all students, especially if they come from public…

9 Lessons I Never Thought I’d Learn by 26

I was recently inspired by a friend and mentor who writes a blog post every birthday. It inspired me. So here’s what I’m carrying with me into this next year.

What I learned from playing Life Is Strange

Life Is Strange is a story based game released back in 2015 but I only got to know about it recently after they released the Android version last month. Before I continue, I need to warn all of you who haven’t played this game because this content…

Completely agree!
Martine Weber

That is a great point Martine Weber that I did not stress enough. It is important to invest time in coaching our employees not just to retain them but to keep them happy.

Thanks for you comment.


I have been thinking a lot about this!

Thanks Jack Heimbigner!

I am happy that you enjoyed my post. There are so many benefits that come from the simple act of being grateful.

Sleep is just one of many, and it only takes a few minutes of journaling before bed. It is simple stuff that many of us learned as kids when we said our prayer…