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Life Lessons

Interesting observation.
Dusty Craig

Hi Dusty Craig,

Thank you for your comment. Since you took the time to write your concerns thoroughly, I think it only respectful to respond in kind.

First, thank you for attempting to write respectfully. I can tell that you felt unhappy with some of my points (you wrote: “you and your ilk”), but you…

Life Perspectives a Decade on Can Give You (Part I)

A while ago, I was inspired by an article in the Atlantic, The Ambition Interviews.

Two women interviewed a small sample of ambitious women who they met in college and kept in touch with, 20 years after graduation…

How to Handle Hard Times | 2 Timothy 1:7–13 | Independent Baptist Preaching


2 Timothy 1:13 (KJV)
Hold fast the form of sound words, which thou hast heard of me, in faith and love which is in Christ…

I May Not Be A Screwed-Up Person After All

In Don’t Blame Me When You Broke Your Own Heart, I have discussed how most guys become fuckboys. This time around, let’s explore the emotional roller coaster…

Did I Miss My Chance at True Soulful Passionate Love?
Iva Ursano

Loved this one, Iva! You know I contemplate these things, too.

I’m trying to be more chill, though. After a very painful 2017 (well, 2014 through 2016, too — I never want to relive 2016), I can tell I have settled down a bit about dating/relationships. I still take it seriously, but I’m not wound as tightly as even a year…