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Life Lessons

42 Piscine Day 6

Edit: This is part of a series that culminated here, Next post. Previous post.

Edit2: I consolidated all the posts of the piscine daily posts here

Edit3: You can read up about what it’s like as a cadet at 42 here

Ear Worm

After I hit the publish button on this, I clicked on Facebook to check in with my daughter and discovered notifications about the daily ear worm post I totally forgot I made yesterday.

And, laughed until I cried…

How Blaming the Victims Became Our Favorite Game
Mateja Klaric

So with you on this. I mean some people are like me with everything going for them, all I had to do was not fuck it up. Others are like my brother, dragged off to war and left with a health time bomb that goes off in slow motion.

Not like I had a trust fund or something. I took advantage of the opportunies that came along…

Out of Darkness and into Transition:
Allie Keeler

There is a lot of catharsis in this piece. When I wrote ‘A Leap of Faith’ it was an attempt to acknowledge that the things that happen to us are happening in accordance with some perverse perfect plan. Many don’t like to think of their life as being played like a script, but it would seem that both our lives have had a series of events that occurred…

September 14, 2017


Lately, I’ve been realizing what I want out of life. I want a job that I am passionate about because I want to go into work and not feel that I’m working. When you do what you love, you’ll never feel like it’s an actual…

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Philip Hofmacher Cool! Learn by doing and then teach it! That is one sure way to find out your purpose (for when you cannot teach it to others, it is probably not what you should be doing ;-)), become successful at something and create your own legacy. Interesting article, good read!