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Life Lessons

Seniority, anxiety and dealing with confidence issues

A short follow up to my blog post about seniority in design.

These days, people assume that I’ve always been confident and comfortable speaking in front of a room full of strangers or having to speak up and lead…

42 Piscine Day 11 — (08)

Edit: This is part of a series that culminated here, Next post. Previous post.

Edit2: I consolidated all the posts of the piscine daily posts here

Edit3: You can read up about what it’s like as a cadet at 42 here

Trintar nem é verbo


Se fosse, significaria mudança de propósito, reviravolta, crescimento e evolução. Soa clichê, mas é verdade. Este ano, aprendi que as coisas passam e que são exatamente o que elas são. “A gente vive o que a gente tem”, disse…

L’ARTISTE Mag n°23

Isn’t Life a Kind of Corruption?

“Werner wonders in the dead of…

10 Important Signs You Desperately Need A Break

In my previous post, I shared what I experienced during my first Personal Quarterly Offsite. Leading up to it, I had started to recognise some signs that indicated I really needed to take a break.

Freelance Friday 021 — August 31 2018

This week I launched The Art of Focus. If you got it this week I’d very much appreciate a review of the book. Reviews are what help the book reach more people because they affect the Amazon ranking. It’s very inexpensive for a while longer then I’ll be marking the…

Hi Sarah, and let me apologize in advance for my clumsy attempts at crafting a fabulously…
Dusty Craig

Dear Dusty,

Thank you for your response. I appreciate how much effort you put into it, and into trying to deal with finnicky technology. Although I am not sure what <VBG> is? I am only aware of the acronym that stands for “venous blood gas” although I’m pretty sure that’s not what you meant to say. Was it in place of an…

Why Do You Need To Be Great?
J Cleveland Payne

J Cleveland Payne,

Desire for money can cover up true living. I think Dave Ramsey has the way to get to making a comfortable life. Have you heard of Financial Peace. It’s not as much about how much you earn but how much you spend.

On Writing

Before this site I did not write much. I mean, besides filling out one of these anxiety worksheets, I didn’t write at all. I actually didn’t even read that much. From the outside looking in, that may not seem truthful as I’m posting every week about a few amongst the many articles I’ve read, but it really is. This…

So very true, Steve, our attitude is how we deal with the ins and outs of everyday life.
Michael Shook

Michael Shook,

Attitude is everything.

It is what allowed Viktor Frankl to survive the concentration camp, and it is what allows us to be happy or not, successful or not, and enjoy our life, or not.