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Life Lessons

I agree. I often tell myself what I cannot do :) Cut out the middleman.
Sabit Asadov


We should always live the life that we were meant to live and not let others govern our choices.

Thanks for your comment.



Thanks Selma!

I am happy that you enjoyed my story.


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Anagha Suresh Babu

Anagha Suresh Babu,

Thank you so much for offering me the opportunity to review your Future of Work platform. Your platform sounds pretty amazing and I am very interested in learning more. I will take a look as soon as I get a chance.

Thanks again,


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Truly amazing Jon Westenberg 🌈 post was truly on point…I started working at 15 on a fishing boat. Now 44 and 2 failed businesses it’s all about my own self worth of learning those lessons I needed to learn…