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Life Lessons

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I needed this now Kris to make me realize something that is going no now with me loving myself.

I had such a habit of self-sabotage and self-loathing as a teen it just took till my 30s to get out the habit. Self-love should be so easy since it is intrapersonal. You are dealing with you and no one else. It was only when I…

I’m Not Crazy, I Just Have a Crush
Victoria M

Victoria Meyer , I highlighted a ton of your story because your feelings are so raw and pure and genuine. Yet because fucking society says, No, hold back, play it cool, don’t reveal your hand just yet, there you are holding your shaky finger in the dyke trying to act the part.

I was born October 3, 1982. I’ve been alive for 35 years, 10 months and 17 days — and yet I’ve never felt more alive than I do right now, in this moment, as this person I’ve unwittin...
A Letter of Celebration
John Gorman

Congratulations, John. You deserve this. You’ve fought through hell and found your way out of the darkness. I don’t know you but I’m proud of you =)

Enjoy this moment and all the ones that come from it — including all the salads in your future =)

Scott Pen

Hi Scott!

Great to hear from you. I very much agree with you on “trying to understand people with compassion.”

(Since you find these topics fascinating, hope you don’t mind if I’m a bit more detailed about my reply. Let me know if it’s too much, though).


Day 18

Looking back over the previous days goals and seeing what I did or didn’t do is always a little uncomfortable when you have a strange aversion to finishing stuff. It’s a little too…

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