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Apple Enters The Bot Business

At betaworks, we are very excited about the opportunities conversational interfaces offer for building new…

The China Experience: Ten Days in Beijing with Nine Tech Students

I just spent ten days in Beijing, working with nine technology students from Chinese International School in what started out as a series of seminars on how tech and business works in China and ended with four teams of kids pitching startup ideas to members of…

Why Paying Fixed Bonuses is Hurting Your Business - Part II

Hi again! If you missed it, in this post I outlined why bonus payments are terrible for everyone involved. Also, I promised to deliver a better alternative. Here it goes.

What we want from a new

A collection of MIT Videos

I’ve written about A Collection of Algorithm last year. It’s a handy notes of getting you started on a few algorithm topics. Recently I found out another gem, a collection of MIT Lecture videos about Algorithm. It has a range topics, but I’m interested because it has a few topics…

This story is unavailable.

Raissa Klain Belchior um ótimo texto. A maior parte desses comportamentos está ligado aos homens que não notam o quanto prejudicam aos outros e a si mesmos.

O texto é seu e você que manda mas recomendo fortemente dar nomes aos bois.


主人公。前向きで何があってもへこたれない快活な性格の宇治上高校2年生地獄少女着物衣装。誕生日は2月20日。血液型はA型。幼い頃に母親(声 —…


5 Ideas, 5 Problems and 5 Opportunities, every day.

Read the last 5 by 5 by 5

At the beginning of May I started writing down 10 ideas a day before realizing halfway through the month that they were just ideas, not solutions. From there I started to write down…

Как заработать на нефти


В последнее время на торгах нефтью WTI наблюдается интересная закономерность. Последние 9 из 11 торговых сессий в заключительные 15–30 минут до закрытия NYMEX (1430ET, 2130МСК) котировки малообъяснимо, но достаточно…

Cheap Hajj Umrah Tours Packages 2018 Sydney

Welcome A & H International Travel
International and Domestic Travel Reservations — Our online reservation system is linked to all major airlines and with one call we can have you confirmed to any part of the world.

Best ever hotel management services

Having one of the best hotel property management software could be a real boon for managing the various services efficiently. There are several different systems and software available in the market these days that render quite useful services. You will always find…

This story is unavailable.

The timing of this is almost serendipitous. We’re about to launch trendendo and know we’re in for a long haul of some pretty lean months. Thanks for the words, Jon Westenberg!


Max Gain Xtreme:- You can take 2 pills a day, one in morning in the wake of having the breakfast, and other during the evening in the wake of eating and you are ready. On the off chance that you take after the aforementioned routine appropriately…

pointeur laser bleu 30000mw

pointeur laser bleu 30000mw

Si vous êtes l’un d’entre eux, qui ont un désir d’utiliser le pointeur de laser mais aucune de ces pointeur laser 3000MW plus d’informations, vous pouvez choisir le 532nm 100mW pointeur laser vert pour ouvrir…


Който играе печели?! Тогава се включете и в нашата първа (но не и последна) игра и спечелете! 
1-во Място — http://goo.gl/ZtxzYT
 — Геймърски слушалки с 2 комплекта говорители (турнирни и за домашна обстановка)
2-ро Място — http://goo.gl/4aTpxX — Геймърски комплект клавиатура и мишка
3-то Място —…

Атака на сайт “Правый фронт”

взято отсюда http://right-dexter.com/analytika/inf-vojna/ataka-na-nash-sajt/
Друзья! Сегодня, 2 июля, наш сайт не работал с поздней ночи до примерно 18–30 МСК. По словам технического специалиста, это была самая серьёзная атака на ресурс…