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Originals という本の中では、起業に専念せず本業を続けた起業家は、本業を辞めて起業に専念した起業家よりも失敗の確率が 33% 低かったという研究結果が引用されています。これが正しければ、リスクを嫌っている起業家のほうが成功しているということです。

What It’s Like to Leave a Company You Started

When you start a company, whether you’re a founder or a first employee, like I was at Birchbox, the last thing you think about is leaving. The last. You think about a million other things — the list of questions in front of you, your personal…

Akhirnya Travee hadir di Indonesia

apakah kamu senang bertemu dengan orang baru ?

Japan-U.S. Innovation Awards 2016の日系選出企業6社

こんにちは。日本とアメリカからその年の最もイノヴェイティブな企業を選出する Japan-U.S. Innovation Awardsが今年もシリコンヴァレーで開催されます。この賞は、北カルフォルニア日米協会とスタンフォード大学のアジア・米国技術経営研究センターが、ビジネスやテクノロジー分野で功績を残した企業を表彰するもので、毎年アメリカと日本から「Emerging Leader」がそれぞれ1社づつ選出されます。今年で6回目とのことで、2016年7月22日(PT)にスタンフォード大学にて授賞式も開催されます。


Vivatech vient juste de se finir et on se demande si Maurice Lévy le malicieux n’aurait pas fait une bonne blague à ses amis publicitaires.

Introducing Highline BETA

Two years ago I co-founded HIGHLINE.vc with the goal to become the #1 pre-seed investor for digital startups that headquarter in Canada. Undoubtedly, HIGHLINE has had a fantastic start (Results Infographic) as we’ve made great pre-seed investments, drove pan-Canadian acceleration…

Why a side project is not just a baby startup

About a week ago we started interviewing applicants for The Side Project Accelerator. Throughout this process, a lot of people have been asking me to explain the difference between a side project and a startup.

Product Hunt — Part of Your Launch Plan

I submitted Ando today to Product Hunt, which is a new restaurant that is delivery only co-founded by David Chang (from Momofuku) and Hooman Radfar. Check it out Ando on Product Hunt for a special combo for those in NYC.

Nuestra primera inversión: Salupro

Aunque la inversión es nueva, y además es la primera de K Fund, la relación con Fernando Márquez y Gonzalo Castellano viene de muy atrás. En concreto de principios de 2013, cuando en nuestra anterior etapa como Vitamina K, invertimos en Saluspot, una de las principales…

The Stark Reality Facing Austin Startups Right Now
Mark Cunningham

One of the best articles I’ve read about the Austin Startup scene in some time. Brilliant observation of our challenges.

One critique though, not of you Mark but of what’s typical here and what it means. You said of the Data Scientist’s startup offer that it was, “140k base (he was currently at 120k base) and .3% equity” and…

What is Startup Culture ?

Organizational culture is important for all kind of companies. For Startups, the high-risk ones, keeping it under…

Top 10 LPT des startups françaises du mois de Juin 2016

Top 1: FeetMe

Technologie de rupture de mesure de pression intégrée à une semelle fine et confortable pour la mesure des efforts à l’intérieure de la semelle.


So I have a thing for self-driving cars. Greater anticipation than for the next Star Wars Movie…

Новости электронной коммерции за июнь-июль 2016г.

Что в соц.сетях

БИНБАНК открыл «витрину» банковских продуктов в «ВКонтакте»
На «витрине» можно получить информацию о стоимости и основных условиях выбранного продукта, а также связаться с банком в соцсети для…

Startup Misconceptions: All You Need is a Good Idea

Posted by Joe Garza on 2016–07–04

Entrepreneurship is hard. REALLY hard. But with countless tales of how entrepreneurs made it big with almost nothing, it’s easy for a budding founder to jump into the startup world…


Yann Girard

You can always wait until you’re better.

Until you’re a better writer.

A better public speaker.

A better artist.

You hate calls, they hate calls… you still call each other

According to a survey conducted last year by Ericsson, about a quarter of smartphone owners prefer any other means of communications to simple…

Using Allt as your Editorial Calendar

A recent article from Kissmetrics gave us some very good insights on which lead generation…

Life in Cambodia has just Kicked Off Tonight.

It has been 3 weeks already since I had moved to Phnom Penh. Working, learning…

How one startup used AWS tools to build an MVP in 7 sprints

Below is the transcript of an interview with Jonathan Chashper of Product Savvy about his experience in rapidly building an app, Wolfpack, using various AWS tools. From getting his team in a room and unpacking laptops, to

Mark Suster’s presentation about how venture capital actually works

I love reading Mark Suster’s blog on Medium (Both sides of the table) and follow him on Facebook as well to glean nuggets of gold which he continues to pop out on a regular basis (Mark is an entrepreneur turned VC…