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The Mechanics of AngelList Syndicates

for Investors & Startups, by David E. Weekly, written mid-2016

Hi! I help run two separate syndicates on AngelList; drone.vc (focused on drone tech) and neuron.vc (focused on applied deep learning). Many people are unfamiliar with how…

Network Effects: Facebook Case Study

Anu Hariharan and Jeff Jordan cover marketplaces and consumer sectors for the a16z. They spoke with with Sonal Chokshi about network effects, which they define as what happens to startups when “as more users join the platform, the platform becomes more valuable to…

How Anova Works

Anova is quietly outpacing and outperforming our smart kitchen rivals to become the leader of the category. We generate more…

The NYC Tech Ecosystem: Catching Up to the Hype

I’m fascinated by tech ecosystems, and the network effects behind them. I wrote about Berlin (here) and about Paris (here) But of course, as an NYC venture capitalist, I’m particularly interested in New York — I wrote about the strong NYC data…

Onwards and Upwards — Rocketrip Story Pt. 2

This is Part Two of the Rocketrip story. In Part One I spoke about Rocketrip’s strategy to educate a brand new market of buyers via content marketing and customer evangelization. In Part One I also made mention of the complete alignment of incentives for…

How to feel inadequate (and realising it’s ok)

Summer of Tech is a non-profit organisation devoted to connecting tertiary students in New Zealand with 3-month paid internships during their summer break. Xero is extremely proud to have been a sponsor every year since 2007, when both

Why we used Emojis and Swipes to build a feedback tool; Sentiments :)

“Sentiments” is a tool you can use to get feedback from your users and for the first time they will love to give it.

¡La generación del YA!

Christoper Froome, Vicenzo Nibali & Bradley Wiggins tienen algo en común, son los últimos ganadores de Tour de Francia…

When Culture Meets Data

Three minutes with Alistair Shepherd, Co-Founder of Saberr

Here at Charlie we’re always excited to introduce you to ideas and individuals that are shaping the future of work. Today, meet the guys who are helping you to

On the Importance of Writing Down our Dreams

It’s been a year since I attended Draper University. Time flies so fast!

I went through my phone gallery to post a throwback on Instagram only to find a photo of my “Dream Wall”.
The “Dream Wall” is the first thing you are…

The East Coast Entrepreneurial Spirit

It’s been a pretty incredible last six months for the Bunker Labs DC team (see: Harry Alford, Ray Crowell, and Emily McMahan). Most notably, we revamped, launched, hustled, and delivered our Spring 2016 cohort. We watched the growth of companies like Nautilus…

Ecotrend - Auto Protection Titanium - Quer Trabalhar Pra Você Mesmo!? 3 DICAS


Muitos empreendedores querem começar na Ecotrend sem saber da forma correta, pois não fazem a menor ideia de como…

Get it for Free: Coastline Inventory is Going Live!

Coastline’s inventory management and e-commerce platform has been in private beta phase for several months. During this time, we have made continuous improvements to meet the core needs of our beta clients. Today, I would like to share the…

August and Alfred unlock an even smarter home

At Alfred, we’ve been hard at work building a service that makes the luxury of a…

Be a person

Yann Girard

Sometimes it’s about showing your vulnerabilities instead of your strengths.

Sometimes it’s about about doing your own thing. About finding your thing. And doing what nobody else is doing.

Your Salespeople Hate to Prospect? Who Cares! (You Owe It To Them Not To.)

Aaron Ross has no clothes.

Now if you don’t know who Aaron Ross is let me explain. The author of the tech sales “bible”, Predictable Revenue, validated lazy salespeople everywhere when he said salespeople shouldn’t prospect…

Leaving Hootsuite and Moving into Venture Capital

This was originally posted to LinkedIn on July 4, 2016

So, I’m excited to announce I’ll be moving into venture capital, joining a new firm called Information…