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Ser o no ser una startup

Hace varios meses en devAcademy cambiamos nuestro modelo de negocio, pasamos de dar cursos de desarrollo de software a personas (B2C) a hacerlo solo para empresas (B2B) y abrimos los servicios de desarrollo de software (Rails, iOS y Android).

Mostly mediocre

Yann Girard

You can be mediocre. Most of the time.

You can be bad at relationships. Most of the time.

You can be mediocre at your job. Most of the time.

VR到底是不是泡沫?四個判斷科技熱門話題是不是泡沫的方法/Manny Lee

六月中,美國 Newsweek 刊出了一篇有關 3D 列印的文章,分析 3D 列印的泡沫已破。七月初,台灣的科技新報刊出該篇文章的編譯版,這個論點又重新刷了一次我的臉書動態訊息。

Sunday Mattress is India’s First Sleep Start-Up

Sunday is revolutionizing the way people sleep in India. I’ll tell you how. Read on.

When I was in the U.S on an exchange program, I got to experience the life that every middle class Indian wanted to. I visited the best…

List of Investors to Follow on Medium

John Rampton published a list of great investors. They all happen to be women (I wrote about it here) but I wanted to see which ones were on Medium. I figured it would be worth sharing.

Methods for Ordering Aluminum Ceiling Tiles

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When you order aluminum ceiling tiles online you’re going to must make sure that you’re doing a few things. Read on this informative article to acquire a few helpful suggestions and hints so that your order will be a…

http://www.blankstyle.com/gildan: A choice of all generation

Gildan Wholesale is the premier online destination to purchase wholesale blank printable apparel online. They provide blank T- shirts of standard quality and wide color range, for both men and women and even for kids of all…

10 Things to Start & Stop Doing on Twitter — #ShiftFact

 Don’t do things that make you an annoying member of the community. Do things that build or contribute to the community. Every successful move you make on Twitter has at its center a desire for community and connection.
 Message: 10 Things to Start & Stop Doing on Twitter…

Play Doh Fun Factory


Celebrating their 50th birthday Play Doh can be as popular as ever and needs to be! It’s really a wonderful toy that energizes the mind of kids in addition to allowing their creative side ahead forward and express itself. Improving hand eye co-ordination…