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Legal Tech - Mapping Disruption

We (Seedcamp) recently hosted a Legal Tech focused event in partnership with Next Law Labs to bring together influencers in the Legal Tech community and those interested in finding out more. The turnout for the event was great and speaking to the founders who came along it…

Making an amazing introduction via email (via John Exley)

John Exley takes relationships seriously. We have been friends for a number of years and after his latest email intro I wanted to share how he does it.

A remedy for the most common Slack headache

When we look at a Slack installation, more often than not, we see a message that looks something like this:

“Please avoid posting in the #general channel unless it is incredibly important and relevant to the entire staff.”

Airbnb case study: 디자인이 어떻게 서로 다른 문화 간 교류를 도울 수 있을까(Airbnb case study: How design helps cross-culture business)

Jessie Chenuxdesign.cc에 기고한 글의 번역입니다. (원문) 개인적으로 읽고 느낀바가 있어 주변의 지인들에게도 도움이 될까하는 마음에 간단히 번역해보았습니다. 쉬운 이해를 위해 다소 의역한 부분도 있사오니 너른 마음으로 봐주시면…

What I Learned From Burning Out — Part 2

To get caught up on where we are in this story, go check out Part 1 of this series. Otherwise, you can jump straight into some great lessons I learned by driving myself into the ground with work.

How to raise $170 million for a crazy idea

At the origin of Solar Impulse in 2002, there was no money, no team and no technology. Nothing more than a crazy idea of achieving the first-ever solar flight around the world, with the objective of promoting clean solutions for a more sustainable world…

How to Pitch an Entrepreneur

There are a seemingly endless number of articles written on how entrepreneurs can improve their pitch to investors. However, in practice the pitch meeting is very much a two-way street. Entrepreneurs pitch VCs, but VCs also pitch entrepreneurs.

The secret to staying productive after work.

Republished from my answer to this question on Quora.

How Can I Stay Productive After Work? What do you do to be productive after work hours, assuming your work hours are time spent in office of big corporation and you dream…

Why working remotely is really awesome

And why it kinda sucks

I’ve been working at devAcademy since December. I’m not going to lie, I love working for dev. I’ll swear up and down that I enjoy making things for and with the company. It’s not because of all the…

Origins Ep. 5— Joelle Kayden, Founder of Accolade Partners

Subscribe to this episode and past episodes HERE.

Joelle’s experience in the LP trenches is unlike anyone we’ve had on Origins thus far. We realize this episode is a…

The (Almost) Eulogy of Oh Hey World

Over the past few years, I’ve worked on two travel apps — Oh Hey World (OHW) and, more recently, Horizon.

This post pertains to the earlier product, OHW. I shared a lot of learnings in my 12 months of learnings on Pando in late 2013. That…

What is MVP and why is it necessary?

MVP development for websites and mobile applications is a common practice in today’s IT…

Giving up

Yann Girard

Sometimes it’s about giving up.

About running away.

About quitting.

Or about saying no.

Sometimes you need to give up to be able to start again.

There’s Nothing To Be Learned From Pokemon Go

Pokemon Go is a watershed moment in gaming. I’ve never seen a game have this much traction this fast. My neighborhood is filled with wandering players of all demographics, strolling around with phone in hand looking for Pokemon. Since the game’s…

Có nên mua đồng hồ Ogival dưới 5 triẹu

Khi kể tên đồng hồ chính hãng Thụy Sỹ người ta thường nghĩ tới các hãng đồng hồ như Tissot.Longines,Rolex… tuy nhiên theo các người có kiến thức chuyên môn đồng hồ thì thay cho việc lựa chọn những thương hiệu trên hãy chọn đồng hồ Ogival thế tuy nhiên các bạn…

My Biggest Tip : Never Stop Marketing

Jeremy Reeves, CEO of Kaizen Marketing comes on The App Guy Podcast

Paul: Welcome to another episode of The App Guy Podcast. I am your host, it’s Paul Kemp. This is the show where I go around…

Both Sides of the Table: Stephanie Newby, Founder of Golden Seeds and CEO of Crimson Hexagon

Stephanie Newby, Crimson Hexagon CEO, is dedicated to building diversity within the culture of companies. In her past life, she was on Wall Street and became the founder of

Top 20 Mobile Apps for Small Business Owner’s

  1. Docusign: Send, sign and approve documents from wherever life takes you…