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How we build products for ourselves and others

The secret to managing both products and services

My friend Rob likes to say, “Every services company wants to be a product company.” He’s right. Product companies are alluring, and they’re…

Email marketing startup ConvertKit raises $1.8m from large group of angel investors

ConvertKit, an email marketing company for professional bloggers, has just announced they closed a funding round of $1.8 million from a large group of angel investors. While a traditional…

The starting line

My name is Jeremy, cofounder & CEO of Growbot, a messaging bot on a mission to build better relationships at work through more…

Top accelerators and follow-on funding rates

The following was a posted I penned for CB Insights. [UPDATED on 7/18/06 to include StartX, which self-reported the #’s according to our parameters below]

AdEspresso raises $20M. Here’s what next

This story was originally published as GuestPost on AdEspresso, May 13th 2016.

Oh wait, sorry. Sorry, sorry, sorry. My mistake. It’s not “AdEspresso raises $20M” but “AdEspresso raises at $20M”. As in valuation, not amount raised.

3 Reasons Evernote’s Price Increase Is the Right Move

Lots of people are angry at Evernote today for increasing their prices and squeezing functionality out of their Free Plan. But these upset users are a good thing and so is this decision — for 3 reasons:

Excited faces

Yash Sharma,
Delhi NCR, Content

I’m often asked how I came to join Zomato and what it’s like to work in Content. Most people outside of Zomato have this impression that working here is all about the fun and coolness. They don’t get to see the hustle…

Africa is Ripe for Microfinance 2.0

During the recent GES event at Stanford University, a number of investors and entrepreneurs from around the world asked me what I was excited about investing in next. My answer was simple:

“I want to digitally finance human productivity.”…

Using Agile to build & scale Sales — an interview for Notion Capital’s Podcast series

Below is an interview I did with Paul Papadimitriou as part of Notion Capital’s Podcast series. It was a fun conversation, in which we talk about startups, my early steps in…

Newsela (スタートアップ紹介記事1)


Newsela is an education technology startup dedicated to transforming the way learners access the world through words. 

The Birth of Vahanalytics

Most great ideas are born from a pain. We felt our pain while operating our previous startup Driven — an on-demand driver hire service. With a strong emphasis on the customer experience, we regularly spoke to our customers but often received vague and overly subjective feedback…

Giới thiệu giải thưởng Rice Bowl Startup Awards 2016

Rice Bowl Startup Awards (RBSA) là giải thưởng thường niên đầu tiên tại Đông Nam Á tôn vinh những startup đột phá, sử dụng công nghệ một cách sáng tạo. 10 quốc gia Đông Nam Á sẽ tham gia tranh tài cho nhiều hạng mục khác nhau. Mỗi quốc…

Why Poker Players Make Great Entrepreneurs?

Colin Keeley: I know you are a competitive poker player. What similarities do you…

Back from the desert with 5,000 friends

This was my weekly newsletter for April 27, 2016. You should subscribe and all my newsletters are here if you want to read before you try. No spam, just me.

Greetings from San Francisco!

3 Stages in Startup Framework

Previously, I talked about the purpose of consolidating the startup concepts and created this Startup…

Getting Real [Book Summary]

37Signals (now called Basecamp) is a Chicago-based web application company, famous for having amongst other things invented the Ruby on Rails web application framework, and the “Getting Real” philosophy. 37Signals is one of the most highly respected authorities on web usability

How To Use 3 Key Factors For Start-Up Success

Missouri State University’s grant-funded and donor-sponsored small business incubator and (soon-to-be) accelerator, The eFactory, has had numerous successes since it started in 2013. With some data showing a failure rate of 92% for start-ups in the…

How Important is Brand Messaging to a Startup?

At my agency, FL+G, we often consult with startups. One of the first things we talk about with these new companies is the need for strong brand messaging. We firmly believe that a strong core message is essential when building a brand because this…