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Measuring Your Analytics Team’s Success

In my last article on how to set up analytics for your startup to scale, I left off on the topic of how important it is to measure your analytic team’s success. But measuring isn’t necessary an easy thing. Here’s a quick dive into some of the metrics that…

InfoSec — Top acquirers & start-ups (Update)

After the initial publication of the list of top acquirers and acquirees in the information security industry according to Crunchbase database, it started a discussion among many publications such as Fortune, or CSOonline and also few update requests…

#1 thing that increases your future career success — leadership lesson

I previously published my New Year’s CEO address and here is another piece of leadership advice I shared with my team just this week. It is a good lesson and tip for everybody.

Selling out

Yann Girard

You can’t sell out when you do what you love. As a matter of fact you have to do everything you can to keep doing what you love. No matter what. You owe it to yourself. And the people around you. Heck, even the entire world.

Ecrit avec amour par Margaux Klein

Entrepreneurs : et si on prenait le temps de respirer ?

Prendre le temps de respirer. On respire peu quand on est entrepreneur. On cherche toujours des solutions plus rapides, plus grandes, plus nouvelles, plus “plus”.

App Failure: May be is your fault

I had over 500 clients in the last 4 years in the app industry… but I’m afraid things have to…

Gamifying Governance — An Ideal Scene

Few weeks ago, Vigneswaran and I were on our regular idea bouncing session. While we discuss a lot of ideas, mostly we haven’t gone anywhere beyond exercising our brain muscles. Out of the many ideas we bounce, this one seemed something valuable at large to the…

A Mental Model for Thinking through “Cold Launching” Start-ups (Four Launch Modes)

Disclaimer: This is a repost from my blog at strategicintuition.co. I cannot claim originality to the framework used here but owe it to Cao Zheng, a former core member of Baidu’s business

Rule X2: Automation Philosophy

This is a follow-up to my post defining Rule X for product startups.

Rule X2 is simple: The end-point is ALWAYS automation.

There are numerous legitimate ways business gets ahead of product in a startup. Some randomly chosen…

Startups matam

Escrevi um texto inteiro pautado na mortalidade das empresas pressionada pela inovação. Ele virou capa do Projeto Draft. Além de descrever um pouco o espírito do Economia do Acesso, vale entender como o acesso vai mudar o “game” daqui para frente.

Characteristics of great new salespeople
Daniel F Lopes

Thanks Sean M Mitchell
Those are also two very good points — to sell you must understand their problem, and to understand you must be curious, asking various questions until you do.

That adds up to what I call the “Be the Doctor” mentality. But I think I will leave that to other post. :)