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I want to teach you to build products using javascript. For free.

Update: The course is now finished. See new post for more details!

Here’s the thing — there’s a whole lot of different online courses, articles, tutorials and other materials on how to…

Player.me joins the XSplit family!

Ok, I know I tend to go a little overboard sometimes with the big sweeping statements of what big news we have at Player.me and how it will change the world we live in forever…but today, today my friends, that kind of statement may just have some validity to it!

If you want my money, make me jealous.

Partner Ben Lerer shares one of his key investment strategies.

“What makes you pull the trigger on a deal? What do you look for?”

Building an Open Source Company: Interview with GitLab’s CEO

GitLab began as a labor of love from Dmitriy Zaporozhets and Valery Sizov, who built the first version together in 2011. Like many open source authors, they were only able to work on the project part time. Sid Sijbrandij…

Los 35 mejores vendedores del #HotSaleArg de MercadoLibre, conoce quiénes son y su facturación

Fanáticos del consumo, los internautas aprovechan las fechas especiales de descuentos para hacerse de aquellas cosas que estaban necesitando, y que a veces no tanto.

Live-data Canvases with Re:dash

We kick off new features with a workbench canvas — a home for all the work around a feature. A typical canvas includes a brief introduction and user story followed by more detailed requirements. Collecting the stack of cards or user stories for a feature in one place gives…

Everybody is telling stories…

Yann Girard

Everybody is telling everybody to tell stories. So we all started telling stories.

And now we can read the exact same stories everywhere. We can now read the same stories over and over again. Just the names…

Differential Bots

Chatbots have exploded (again) onto the tech scene in 2016. With more and more players going all-in on this method of interaction, we have a brand new ecosystem for application development. Already, VC-backed apps like Poncho are starting to emerge and attempt to utilise this new technology…

Video Lessons VS Offline Lessons

We recently spoke to some of our community members at HelloMeets, about, “What do they prefer more and why?”, and we got their choices as below:

Ravi Agrawal, Product Designer @Spinny — Nothing better than a mentor-mentee system, I think.

Lo que aprendí de DataPro

Que es más importante primero encontrar un mercado, y luego un producto, de lo contrario puede llevarte a pivotear muy pronto…

AirbnBulletin #5

This article was put together for an email that I used to run for Pearlshare. I have since joined YourWelcome to help build smart tablet devices for your holiday-let guests.

  • Visit the YourWelcome website
  • Drop me an email: john@yourwelcome.com

July Product News

Comet is a cloud platform for property managers, landlords, owners, letting agents & real estate investors with all the features you need to manage & lease your properties.

Nothing to install, free upgrades, automatic backups and 3 free properties forever.

London’s most successful FinTech founder on Brexit

Taavet Hinrikus is the co-founder of TransferWise, which is drastically changing how people send money abroad. His company recently raised a $58 million round led by Andreessen Horowitz, one of the largest and most respected VC firms in the…

Summer School Profile: Leanne leads the way

The Feat Summer Challenge is well underway here at the Food Innovation Summer School, and we’re so excited to be surrounded by great young minds who are eager to participate in our community-building challenge. Over the past week we have shared in…