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¿Es legal el Bitcoin en Chile?

Cuando estábamos a punto de empezar a construir un mercado para comprar y vender Bitcoins en Chile, nos preocupaba que el bitcoin fuera legal.

Lo primero que hicimos fue correr a preguntarle a los amigos abogados. La respuesta no era fácil de…

So long Europe and thanks for all the fish

TLDR — I’m moving to Australia; I’m joining Airtree Ventures; cue gushing over the people and trajectory of the European startup scene…

After 5 wonderful years in London, Karen and I have decided to move back to Australia. The…

New Impact, New Inclusion in Equity Crowdfunding

We’re launching Republic today, an online platform where everyone can invest in innovative, mission-driven startups curated by our team.

What I Learned from a Japanese Samurai

Miyamoto Musashi was a badass samurai with 60 duels and 6 major battles under his belt. In…

12 ordinary months of the (real) life of a startup

The original version of this post has been published in French on July 14th, 2016. Thank you so much Bartosz Jakubowski from XAnge for offering me to translate it into English.

InfoSec —Top Investors (Venture Capitalists)

In the previous post, we had a look at the size of registered investments made by Venture Capitals into information security companies and start-ups over the past two decades.

Are You Ready to Become an Entrepreneur? Take Your First Step Here.

Posted by Joe Garza on 2016–06–30

Are you thinking about leaving your job to start your own company? Don’t dive into the world of entrepreneurship just yet, as you should assess your goals…

Our time on the front page of Product Hunt

Hi, I’m Neil, the CEO of Ramp (we’re trying to make the process of buying t-shirts for your team quicker, smarter, simpler and more transparent), and we recently spent three days with a significant presence on the front page of Product Hunt, and I’d like

How One Grocery Store Chain Put People First As They Scaled

This post originally appeared on Forbes.com. This post is part of a series about effective management practices and how they benefit both companies and the people that work for them. Laura Faulkner contributed to this article.

What DBS Hotspot taught us that we could not have learnt elsewhere

First, you ask what is DBS Hotspot? The DBS Hotspot Pre-Accelerator is a programme designed to help startups in Singapore through experimentation, mentorship and training. Out of >250 applications, 29 teams are…

Gauge Your Feedback

My company, Candor, Inc wants to help you create a culture of great feedback. In order to do that, we think you need to give feedback, get feedback, encourage feedback and gauge your feedback.

The Zero Stack Startup

Most of the founders I talk with on my podcast, The Build, didn’t start their companies with huge investors behind them. Sometimes, they had a stockpile of cash from a previous “exit,” or from a nest egg they saved up from a day job. But, most of the time, they just took the resources…

Financial Projections: The Top-Down Approach

Equidam Weekly 15th July

The Equidam Weekly is a curated collection of readings delivered weekly to bring you the most informative articles on EU growth companies, early stage funding and generally on how to…