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Tough news.

Well this sucks to write: This. will go offline at the end of the month.

I’m tempted to make the explanation for that complicated, but it’s pretty simple: we worked ourselves to the point of exhaustion, struggled to raise money and just ran out of time. The site, newsletter and…

Why I just launched an academy for aspiring VCs
John Gannon

John Gannon, a well-known “connector” in the VC job-hunting market, is launching a new academy: GoingVC.

What is GoingVC, you might ask? Well, it’s a mentoring program, an exclusive VC network, and a job placement service all mixed into one. For an annual membership fee, an aspiring VC can join a cohort of like-minded…

Internship Experience at an early stage startup in a Tier-2 city

I first heard of EezyNaukari when it came to our college, Kanpur Institute of Technology, to hire interns. We were told that the Founding team will be coming to interview us and the job location would be Kanpur itself…


If we were in an elevator today…

For a little over a year now, my good friend Maria Gibbs and I have been thinking about issues of innovation, (social) entrepreneurship, human-centered design, community, and much more. Both coming from the intersection of civil engineering and…

This week I learned…

Inspired by Anna Marie Clifton’s writing, I also decided to jot down my learnings more often. You can find topics such as

An interview on transforming passion into career

Adeeb Shams and Saqiful Alam are two of the trend-breaking youth inspiration of Bangladesh. Adeeb Shams, Founder of Harriken — a tech startup providing one-stop solution to restaurants and dining options in Dhaka — and an MBA from Georgetown…

How necessary is a co-founder?

This post is copy of my quora answer — https://www.quora.com/How-necessary-is-a-co-founder/answer/Sandeep-Mukhopadhyay

Gaurav Gupta’s answer to How necessary is a co-founder? is really good and gives insights to why one should have a co-founder. I

OHI/O Gives Back: GiveBackHack Columbus 2016

This past February, OHI/O sponsored GiveBackHack, a weekend-long event that brings together passionate community members to develop sustainable, technology-based solutions to some of our most pressing social issues. At GiveBackHack Columbus 2016, the…

What is Lite?

Lite App provides millennials with a platform that helps them learn about personal finance in a simple and engaging way. That’s the go to one liner, but in all honesty Lite is much deeper than that. Time to elaborate….

Invisible Talent
Kaya Thomas

Yes to everything here. The talent myth Malcolm Gladwell talks about juxtaposed against wholesale corporate intercultural illiteracy AND broadly superficial interest in professional equity (that often belies a deep seated disinterest in true equity) leads to the garbage contention of unavailable talent of color. Very sad to hear otherwise intelligent…

4 interesting strategic aspects of Niantic, the startup behind Pokemon Go

A few interesting strategic patterns in this excellent profile of the CEO of Niantic, creator of Pokemon Go.

  1. It’s a Google spawn. The founder worked 10 years on Google Earth and…


On my first day as an intern at Hummock Island Shellfish, I was handed a pair of boots and gloves and told to “go clean the upwellers.” Having absolutely no background in oysters, shellfish, or any sort of farming to speak of, I had no idea what an upweller even was, much less how to clean one. My two…

My mastermind group

In his classic book Think and Grow Rich Napoleon Hill defined a mastermind group as, “The coordination of knowledge and…

How To Pick The Right Business Software Solution For Your Next Project

How to pick the right business software solution for your projects. See the list below to help you focus on the type of industry specific software you need. Once you know what software is best for your task…

Top 5 Healthcare Management Software Tools For Productivity

Looking for well vetted healthcare management software solutions, here are some tools to test. If you run a medical center, clinic or home healthcare service, these software solutions can be the key to better managing your…

Reinvent the wheel or not!
Bhavik Bansal

Bhavik Bansal: Very nice of you to share such a good insight on the problem faced by many engineers of product companies.

I agree that, instead of taking in the whole library we should only pick the modules that we need from it. And thorough understanding of the library’s code and its limitations should always be considered…

Some of my favorite stacks from our beta

We had blink in beta for a while before we launched and a lot of people have made some really great stacks. Here are just a few of my favorites from the beta: