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6/30 當天,心元資本創辦人鄭博仁 (Matt) 受邀到 2016創業小聚年會分享美國的新創趨勢,除了數位時代這篇報導提到的創業者思維,Matt 希望透過心元投資的公司,補充分享美國創業者的思考方式,以及心元資本在不同市場的投資策略。


心元資本投資的物流創新 Flexport 和航太衛星 Astranis 等皆在團隊只有一兩個人、產品僅有概念規劃的時候,便融資了超過五百萬美元。很大的原因來自於美國環境的「創業者思維」。

Starting a company is hard. Ending it is even harder…

Today I share some difficult news: Monday Envelope will cease operations at the end of July.

Parent engagement is the number one predictor of a child’s lifelong academic success. However, it is unbelievably…

Phoenix Phenomena and the Unicorn Bubble

My brother is the smart one in the family.

Unlike me, who only flirted with the idea of going to law school, he did the time and got the degree. Unlike most law grads he didn’t go to a firm or join the in house legal team at a big…

Three Birds or How SourceFuse Solved a Partner Startup’s Tech Challenges

It’s been 3 and a half years since we started working with Buzztala. At the time we built a platform that helped aggregate user generated product reviews on e-commerce sites. A couple of pivots later…

Weeknotes 5: Sales, a Fail and TV Tales

Chronicling the continuing adventures of Convivio…

Last week I wrote about a pitch meeting with a potential new client (with one of our partner agencies). We came out of it feeling pretty certain we…

A new financial model for consulting
Michael Smith

Hi Michael Smith

Thanks for the insights in your financial model. It’s great that you’re taking the time to share this. Thanks.

I have a question, and I might be missing some context on the workings of Enspiral, but how do you compensate individual members for sales (selling the billable hours) and…

The 13 Year Old’s First Week at MuseFind

We just on-boarded the youngest team member at MuseFind on Monday and here’s how Chief Boy at MuseFind enjoyed his first week:

“After working for 1 week at MuseFind, I feel as if I have been working here for at least 1 month. Walking…

Women’s First Coding Club in Gaza

After getting nominated as the top tech female in Gaza to join an intensive training at Klarna; the online payment company in Sweden; I wanted to build a grassroots female tech community in Gaza by training women and girls in tech and business. I launched the first Women-Only Coding Club as…

#24 Epic

Parabol Friday Ship 22-Jul-2016

Each week Parabol shares its progress in a ‘Friday Ship’. This post originally appeared on the Parabol blog.

Customer Data is King: Four Ways to Know Your Customers Better

Business challenges exist in all industries, which is a reality that organizations need to contend with and work past. However, for businesses that are strictly consumer-facing, such as retail, some challenges can be…