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The 5 Lessons I Learned From Lean Startup Machine

A few months ago I wrote about The Power of the Right Question and briefly mentioned that one of the biggest lessons I learned @LSMWashDC was not coming up with the right idea, it was coming up with the right question(s).

Pioneers of the Sharing Economy

I’m pretty sure we’re all guilty of describing the latest apps and crazes as “it’s like Uber for…”

Well, Uber may be the name we all associate with the on-demand economy but here at Shareflo, we’re continually inspired by many other sharing apps…

How we screwed up our ProductHunt launch

This is a guest post from Dan Cvrcek, professor in computer security and founder Enigma Bridge, based in Cambridge, UK.

A month ago, we at Enigma Bridge decided to launch EnigmaLink — a demo of our CloudHSM-based service on…

Visakhapatnam on Global start-up map

In 2015–16, the investors from tier 2 and 3 cities made 13% of the investments into startups. The investors paying attention to the start-ups in the tier-2/tier-3 cities. Visakhapatnam (Vizag)has been in news on its emerging entrepreneurial ecosystem, and investors…

Travelport 成立加速器,第一屆 Demo Day 發表了!

全球最領先的電子商務分銷商 Travelport,也創立了加速器「Travelport Labs Accelerator」!雖然太晚看到,但有興趣做國際市場的團隊可以參與下一屆的參選!

Travelport 野心勃勃,2015 年底併購澳洲創業成立四年的 Locomote,其為企業提供差旅預訂工具與費用管理系統。2016 年 4 月收購合作 30 年的日本分銷商 Galileo。Travelport…

Experiencing Tradition on the Sea

Sicily is surrounded by sea, but there’s something quite special about Messina, where the Food Innovation Summer School Mediterraneo is taking place for the next three weeks and Feat is hosting the Summer School Challenge. On the northeast coast of Sicily and just 3 km…

Wix (or Squarespace) is ready for you but are YOU Ready for Wix?

WIX, Weebly and Squarespace (sidebar: the Super Bowl commercials they have with Lee and Morris are entertaining) are great tools to build a website.

This story is unavailable.

Always great advice Mitchell Harper.

We are a few months into our startup and I’m finding it difficult to be too specific about our product and services on social, 1 because of how early stage we are, 2 because we are developing hardware IoT and are in the prototyping phase, and 3 because of the patenting process preventing…

Top Recommended Professional.com Announces Top Performers for the week of November 16, 2014.

Nels Cephas

TopRecommendedProfessional.com a web site that accepts nominees from your top professionals, worldwide, is very happy to announce the…

Delusions feat. Toro Orero

This episode of the #AndilesTake Podcast explores the importance of delusion, and it features the live wire that…