All Stories published by The Awl on September 01, 2009

Footnotes of Mad Men: The Conquest of Decor

by Natasha Vargas-Cooper

Too much ink has already been spilled on the arresting design aspects of Mad Men. It’s fabulous and meticulous. But Sunday’s episode, “My Old Kentucky Home,” #303, finally gave a walloping amount of…

They Are Pissing All Over Paris

Metro beat, Paris edition: “[W]hat the French call urine sauvage, which translates to ‘wild urine,’ is the hardest to crack. While France’s capital has campaigned with some success to have Parisians pick up after their pets, the city is still struggling with the presence of…

Are Fashion Magazines Especially Sadface at the Newsstand?

Digging deeper into the numbers we mentioned earlier, and in keeping with the intolerable suckiness that is the year two thousand and swine A.D., the Audit Bureau of Circulations report for the first half of this ugly year shows…

“Trial By Fire”

David Grann’s “Trial By Fire” in the current New Yorker is extremely long, extremely grim, and extremely powerful. I’m not going to pull anything out or even describe it much beyond saying that it tells the story of an innocent man who was put to death in Texas. But I will tell you that it is profoundly affecting and you should take some time to read it.

Weedheads Perturbed about Weedhead Icon Shilling for “The Hut”

The “Hut” (remember they dropped the “Pizza”? So if the Sunglass Hut jumps onboard, seeing as “sunglasses” are “too seasonal,” it’s gonna get awesome) has enlisted Jim Breuer as its new face, airing TV spots about their…

The Bookmobile: How To Get Free Vet Care, from “Secrets of a Stingy Scoundrel,” by Phil Villarreal

Phil Villarreal is a Consumerist contributing editor and an Arizona Daily Star reporter. His new book, “Secrets of a Stingy Scoundrel: 100 Dirty Little

Italy: The Intellectuals Against The Showgirls

One of the major contentions of Alexander Stille’s excellent The Sack of Rome is that Silvio Berlusconi, through his control of the country’s most popular television networks, created an electorate which would happily vote for someone like him…

“Cell Mates,” El Bronx

It is absolutely gorgeous outside. If you are trapped in an office or it is not absolutely gorgeous where you are, have a little…

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