All Stories published by The Awl on September 14, 2009

Our Boy In D.C.: 9/12

by Colin Sweeney

Saturday in D.C., as you may have heard, saw a reversal of sorts. A hotly-disputed number (we average those crowd estimates at 20,000) of middle-aged white conservatives of all stripes, armed with digital cameras, took to their lawn chairs on the…

Natasha Vargas-Cooper Sells ‘Mad Men’ Book

The Awl’s Chief Los Angeles Correspondent Natasha Vargas-Cooper has sold The Mad Men Files to Julia Cheiffetz at Harper Studio, the world’s best imprint. (We’re very biased!) The book is based on her long-running blog, The Footnotes of Mad Men, which…

New York City To Try Ban On Smoking In Parks & Beaches

“The city’s health commissioner, Dr. Thomas A. Farley, announced on Monday that the Bloomberg administration would seek to ban smoking in city parks and beaches.” ALSO BREAKING: New York To Be Renamed “Pussy City.”

Harry Smith Latest Pig Virus Victim

Okay, now it is for sure time to panic: “’Early Show’ host Harry Smith has taken a sick day from work, telling viewers he thinks he may have swine flu. In an interview live from his New York City apartment Monday, Smith told CBS viewers he started feeling achy and…

Jon Corzine: The Comeback?

As a series of negative stories takes its toll on his public image, Democrats in New Jersey are wondering if Chris Christie can be beaten in November’s gubernatorial election. Will Christie’s steadily declining numbers help incumbent Gov. Jon Corzine actually pull this one out? Yes. If the vote is held in, oh, March or so.

Joe Wilson Likes Black People Just Fine, It’s Lying He Can’t Stand

Suddenly the idea that there might be a racial component in the opposition to President Barack Obama is popping up everywhere: Maureen Dowd and her buddies brought it up in a Sunday op-ed, Politico has a piece on…

Joe Wilson Will Sign Your Outburst Photos

Not only is Rep. Joe Wilson (R-SC) not gonna apologize again for that whole “You lie!” thing, he will autograph a picture of him shouting it out in the first place. Still, I’m sure he feels terrible about it.

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