All Stories published by The Awl on September 17, 2009

Waterproof Lederhosen Invade Munich

Good news, Germanic shorts-wearers!

Newly invented lederhosen-style swimming shorts are going on sale at this year’s Munich Oktoberfest as a beer-proof alternative to the traditional leather breeches. Folk costume aficionados may frown — but…

Of The Making Of Book Deals There Is No End

The folks at Old Jews Telling Jokes-find our favorite joke told by and old Jew here-have netted a print deal: “The book will feature hilarious, irreverent, and sometimes bawdy jokes told by ‘old Jews’ (both men and women, all over 60, including Ed Koch…

How Many Of Your Tax Dollars Go To ACORN?

Do you know how much federal funding ACORN gets? On average, $3.1 million a year. Over 15 years, that’s like the kind of pork money our fine government spent on that stupid volcano monitoring program! It’s also half as much as the money ACORN helped poor…

Fit To Print

Good morning! “An article on Tuesday about the sale of a house next door to President Obama’s home in Chicago misstated the name of a dog that lives there and misidentified her owners. She is Rosie, not Roxy, and she belongs to the tenants of the property’s carriage house — not to the owners of the property for sale, Bill and Jacky Grimshaw.”

Yep, We’re OLD

I’m a little late to this one, but Jesus: MTV has an explanatory biography for all of those viewers who weren’t sure who the old dude who came out onstage Sunday at the VMAs with Katy Perry was. And now I guess it is time for me to catch my ice floe.

New York Times Examines Summer Of Death


This article suggests
that the Summer of Death™ is essentially a Boomer meditation on…

The Awl
Be less stupid.
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