All Stories published by The Awl on September 08, 2009

Poor Monica Hesse Is Also A Failed Lesbian

Poor Monica Hesse is hated by every gay blogger in America pretty much, because she wrote a funny Washington Post profile about the head of NOM NOM NOM, who is a cheery douchebag with an obsession on hating gay marriage, and all the gays were like, NO ONE…

Barack Obama’s Back To School Speech

President Obama’s “controversial” speech to American schoolchildren goes out live at noon today. In an attempt to help reduce the worries of those who are concerned that the President might try to impose his beliefs on our easily-influenced young people, the White…

Racist Babies!

This baby drinks milk because it's WHITE

Dear Liberal Media,

Did it ever occur to you, sitting there in your fancy New York City offices, that…

The Moving Finger Lies, And Having Lied, Moves On

Can your handwriting reveal deliberate falsehoods? “Researchers at Israel’s Haifa University worked with 34 volunteers, who wrote truthful and false paragraphs on paper using a wireless electronic pen and a pressure sensitive tip. A…

Sarkozy Stands Up For The Little Guy

The BBC brings word of “a deepening row in France over the alleged lengths gone to by President Nicolas Sarkozy’s aides in order to conceal his short stature.” The French President, generously estimated to be five-foot-six, is alleged to have stage-managed a…

Old Hack Can Still Hack

There is this write-around David Letterman story as the cover of New York magazine this week, and it’s worth reading so as to see a much-absent prose stylist at work: Peter W. Kaplan, once the scrappy television beat reporter for the New York Times. Let us turn the clock back to 1985!

Laughably Untrue

“By far the most important and prescient book of the past decade is Jonah Goldberg’s ‘Liberal Fascism’ (2007), which makes it easy to understand why town-hall meetings are stuffed with concerned and angry citizens.”

Foreign Death Panels Undercaffeinated

Medical notes from Prison Island: “Exhausted Australian doctors have been told to drink up to six cups of coffee a day to stay awake during extended shifts, building pressure on Prime Minister Kevin Rudd to seize control of state-run hospitals. A document on…

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