All Stories published by The Awl on September 29, 2009

Gluttony with Mary HK Choi: Milkis & Calpico

Pepsi has just announced their new limited-edition flavor: Azuki! Which is red bean. Which, unless you’re all, “I CAN HAZ CHEESEBURGER?” at every non-white people restaurant, you’ll know is considered a sweet in Asia. We add a gang of sugar to the…

Tuned Out: ‘Memoirs of a Perfect Angel’ Means Mariah Carey Is A Good Friend

So remember how we were worried that our dear MC was maybe dunzo ’cause she doesn’t/can’t sing how she used to? Now, I’m no musical genius but I was always impressed how this halfie could make us all…

Science: Love Makes You Creative

Psychologists in Amsterdam performed a series of experiments which “demonstrated that love makes us think differently in that it triggers global processing, which in turn promotes creative thinking and interferes with analytic thinking. Thinking about sex, however, has…

Nasty Australian Yeast Pate Draws Fire For Stupid Name

Australians are up in arms over the branding of a new version of the country’s national snack, Vegemite-a disgusting spread made from the carcasses of diseased koalas. (Kidding! It’s made from yeast extract, which is somehow actually…

Musical Odd Couple: Thom Yorke And Flea

This is weird. Thom Yorke has started a band with Flea from the Red Hot Chili Peppers. I can’t think of two more different public personalities. The band does not have a name yet (I’ll throw out “Arty on Your Pussy” as a first suggestion [Ed Note: Say what

Dan Rather’s Lawsuit Against CBS Tossed

A New York Supreme Court appeals panel has dismissed Dan Rather’s $70 million breach-of-contract lawsuit against CBS. The court found his argument that “he could have had more remunerative employment than that which he ultimately obtained at HDNet is…

Palin Finishes (Writing) Book

Free from the burden of her incessant Twittering, former Alaska Governor Sarah Palin was able to complete her memoir in a mere four months. Going Rogue: An American Life clocks in at 400 pages, and will be available in hardcover-although not e-book-on November 17. It’s the perfect holiday gift for the paranoid populist on your list.

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