All Stories published by The Awl on November 10, 2009

How Not to Write a Headline

Tom Scocca: Here is a headline from Sunday’s Washington Post:
 Tom Scocca: In art we lust

 Tom Scocca: “At second blush, classic works are allowed to rise to their full erotic potential.”
 Tom Scocca: The Post is plagued by bad, amateurish, would-be-snappy headlines these days…

Knifecrime Island To Become Prison Island

The minimum sentence for murders committed with knives in Britain is set to rise from 15 to 25 years, ensuring that pretty much everyone in Britain will be spending a quarter century in jail fairly soon.

SPONSORED POST: Equinox Fitness Clubs

Equinox is currently offering readers of The Awl a COMPLIMENTARY 3-day trial membership.

Recently dubbed “America’s Healthiest Gym” by Health magazine, Equinox has everything you need to maximize both your health and overall wellness. The…

Or Maybe That’s How They Roll In Finland

There is something unusual about these photos of a house in in Saimaa, the Finnish lake district. Can you spot what it is? Look closely!

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