All Stories published by The Awl on November 13, 2009

Goodie Mob On Jimmy Fallon

Goodie Mob are reunited. And yes, Peaches, it does feel so good. Rap Radar brings us their performance from Jimmy Fallon’s show last night. They sound super with the Roots behind them. But just in case any golden-oldies rap fans needed to be reminded of how old they are, T-Mo’s…

Why Are They So Mean To Her?

Sarah Palin has once again been victimized by the liberal mainstream media: “As you probably have heard, the AP snagged a copy of my memoir, Going Rogue, before its Tuesday release. And as is expected, the AP and a number of subsequent media outlets are erroneously reporting the…

‘Going Rogue’: The Early Leaks

The AP got its hands on a copy of Sarah Palin’s Going Rogue and offers a quick summary. Also, Matt Drudge has a brief excerpt. You will be shocked to learn that there were tensions with the McCain team during the campaign, that Sarah felt sorry for Katie Couric, and that…

Sandra Tsing Loh, Thief

I go back and forth on Sandra Tsing Loh-okay, we get it, you’re bad-but it is hard not to love something like this: “I myself am not just an imperfect mother, I am a bad mother. I am bad not in that fluttery, anxious, 21st-century way educated middle-class mothers consider themselves…

New Magnetic Fields

Realism, the new album from the Magnetic Fields, is scheduled for January 26th of next year. This is apparently the “folk” counterpoint to 2008’s Distortion. Whatever it is, I’m happy to have it!

The Awl
Be less stupid.
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