All Stories published by The Awl on November 16, 2009

666 Fifth Avenue Really is the Devil

Ivanka Trump has declared Twitter-war against Crain’s-it’s like a thumb war, but less lethal-over a profile of the Trump-Kushner business and romance union. She called the article “misinformed and pointless,” which is just another sign of how smart she is: a dumb…

Introducing our New Vertical: For Moms Only!

Kidding! This parenting blog gravy train is pretty awesome though. And, thanks to a big article in the LA Times about how they are all product-scarfing prostitutes, the mommy bloggers are all up in arms today. (Most hilarious sentence: “Kraft Foods…

Wisconsin Plagued By Werewolves

The Wolfman of Wisconsin. The American Werewolf. The Beast of Bray Road. Whatever you call it, America’s dairlyland has a lycanthrope problem, and I don’t think any of us can rest safely until we get to the bottom of it.

9/11 Truth

This, from the Times review of John Farmer’s The Ground Truth:The Untold Story of America Under Attack on 9/11, should be repeated as many times as necessary: “Yet both Deputy Defense Secretary Paul Wolfowitz and Vice President Dick Cheney, Farmer says, provided palpably false versions that touted the…

Berlusconi Trial Delayed

Judges have agreed to delay Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi’s tax fraud trial-due to start today-until January 16th, because of “pressing state business” which would prevent the premier from attending the case in person: He’s busy welcoming attendees to the UN’s Food and Agricultural World Food Summit.

Important Jersey Mayhem Update: “Operation: Pizzeria Uno”

Some types of JERSEY MAYHEM!!! never change. Back in summer 1988, on one of my first days delivering pizza in Jersey’s Long Branch area, I received some counsel from one of the older drivers. “You’ll get a call to make a delivery…

Why Palin “Matters”

Ben Smith suggests that we hear so much about Sarah Palin because she’s good traffic. I have an additional theory: Sarah Palin offers us all the trashy elements we value as soap opera when it comes from the family of one of our elected officials (see Carter, Billy, or any member of the Clinton…

Angie and Brad are a-okay, Nick Kristof… tells… Us Weekly? “Their love was on display at an October 27 West Hollywood dinner with their friend, ‘Half the Sky’ coauthor Nicholas Kristof. ‘They’re attentive to each other. They listen, they’re respectful and sometimes finish each other’s sentences,’ Kristof tells Us. ‘When we walked into the restaurant, Brad kept turning around to make sure that Angie was OK.’”

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