All Stories published by The Awl on November 25, 2009

Baboons Now As Smart As Bears

Tourists in Cape Town, South Africa, are being victimized by a gang of baboons, who have “learned how to open car doors and jump through windows in pursuit of tasty sandwiches and snacks.”

On Tuesday, a troupe of 29 baboons raided four cars outside…

Death Of Uncool

Now that everything is available to all of us at any time, does that mean that the concept of “uncool” is over? Brian Eno thinks that it does, which may bode well for unjustly neglected masterpieces of adequacy such as Peter Wolf’s 1987 release Come As You Are. There’s hope for all of us!

Did You Already Mess Up Thanksgiving Week?

Doh, here’s some good advice about how to deal with this week that we forgot to give you yesterday. Sorry! Hope you figured it out! “Tuesday Night: Have sex with your spouse. Your family is getting in on Wednesday night and nobody is getting laid with…

Jesus Got Around

Your headline of the day, via the Mail:

Apparently both Jesus and Joseph of Arimathaea were totally pumped to see the Stone Roses’ comeback gig and were bitterly disappointed when the band pulled out. Doubters can take comfort in that fact that “there is nothing specific by way of archaeological finds; Jesus’s shoe has not turned up.”

The Awl
Be less stupid.
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