All Stories published by The Awl on November 24, 2009

How To Drink Less

Eric Asimov gives a rundown on alcoholic digestives, those heavenly nectars which provide abdominal relief from the overindulgence often associated with Thanksgiving or other holiday meals. He focuses on amari, the Italian iteration of the soothing tonics.

America’s Next Top Pundit Is Ready for One-Way Car Service to Scarborough Country!

The Washington Post announced today the winner of its America’s Next Top Pundit reality blog contest thing. (Yes, that really happened.) Here’s a spoiler: the people of color lost. (Again.)…

Tell Me About Your Drugs

Do you want to know more about “Meow Meow,” a.k.a. mephedrone, the hot new drug killing underage users in Britain? Here are some helpful links! I might try and find some right now, particularly if one of the side effects is that it will get that stupid “Meow/meow/meow/meow” jingle out of my head.

Chris Anderson’s Third Big Idea: “Atoms & Bits”

Perhaps you were wondering what Wired editor Chris Anderson is up to, after putting forward ideas called “The Long Tail” and “Free”? Well, now we know! His new idea is called “Atoms & Bits.” He will be giving it away… for free. (Oh and a book…

The Awl
Be less stupid.
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