All Stories published by The Awl on November 23, 2009

Ten Christmas Gifts Not To Buy

Here is the world’s worst holiday gift guide, from the Washington Post. Bubble bath! Mediocre wingtips! (Here’s a hint: if you’re going to spend more $550 on wingtips for men, then you can afford to go to John Lobb and get proper ones.) And? Says one gift-giver: “My female…

Frank Gehry Is Just A Scam

Here is how Frank Gehry designs a hat, which is pretty much like how he designs a building: “Gehry said that he had done the initial drawing on his iPhone, which an assistant then produced: a violet scribble with a black-and-blue iris at the center.” SCAM ARTIST.

The silent majority of Verlyn Klinkenborg enthusiasts must stand up and be counted! People love to make fun of the New York Times editorial board member but they are very wrong people who hate words and things that are different.

Have Some Bacon! You and I, We Are Going to Die

The New Yorker gets mail about its review of Jonathan Safran Foer’s vegetarian book. Including someone who said he was writing from the parking lot of a slaughterhouse: “I wonder if Foer has ever visited, or considered the impact of, a…

The End Of Smoking?

Has Science finally found a way to cure the addiction of smoking? There is a new vaccine!

NicVax causes the immune system to create antibodies that bond with the nicotine molecule if it enters the bloodstream. The result is a molecule too large to pass along to the…

Trust Me, We’re Awake

“Daddy feels God was using her to wake America up.”
 -Franklin Graham conveys his father’s approval
of Sarah Palin. Palin met Billy Graham and his son yesterday at a North Carolina stop on her book tour.

There’s A Place In France Where The Naked Pictures Of The First Lady Fail To Hit The Reserve Price

Continuing signs of the recession: “A nude photo of Carla Bruni-Sarkozy — identical to one sold last year for $91,000 — has been withdrawn from a Paris auction…

Waldo Hunt, 1920–2009

Waldo Hunt, the father of the modern pop-up book, has died: “A Chicago native who grew up in Northern California, Mr. Hunt joined the Army during World War II and fought in the Battle of the Bulge, his family said. He returned from the war to open an advertising agency in Los Angeles. When…

The Little Red Facebook

“South Park,” so much to answer for: “The beating of 12-year-old boy by a group of classmates at a Southern California middle school may be linked to a Facebook posting encouraging kids to target redheads, authorities say. The redheaded boy was beaten up by a group of seventh and eighth…

Gov. Walkabout: 37 Charges

“South Carolina Gov. Mark Sanford faces ethics charges he broke state laws more than three dozen times by violating rules on airplane travel and campaign money, according to details of the allegations released Monday.” The South Carolina House will begin holding impeachment…

Jedward X-ed Out

Sad news from Britain: Bizarre identical-twin phenomenon Jedward have been voted off whatever program they were recently appearing on. And now, life resumes as before, if perhaps with a little less mirth to go around.

The Awl
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