All Stories published by The Awl on November 20, 2009

Jersey Mayhem: Villainous Vet Cops To Giving Bird Cold Shoulder

You know the old joke about the parrot and the freezer? A considerably less humorous version occurred in New Jersey, where veterinarian Mahmoud Hussein pleaded guilty to animal cruelty after the death of a Conure parrot…

Holocaust Memorial Fashion Shoot Was Probably Not A Good Idea

Never forget: “The airline easyJet is withdrawing all copies of its in-flight magazine, easyJet Traveller, after a row erupted over a tasteless fashion shoot at the Holocaust Memorial in Berlin…. The latest issue of the…

For Discussion: Was Karl Marx Right?

Since the fall of the Berlin Wall, “events have followed Marx’s closer predictions almost uncannily: globalisation, privatisation, deregulation, the undermining of democracy, the triumph of a capitalist discourse (railway ‘customers’ rather than ‘passengers’), the…

“That was a bad generation of men.”

Stephen King’s review of Raymond Carver’s biography and Collected Stories is a hell of a thing. I am generally of the school that says you separate the art from the artist, but reading this piece made me more than a little uneasy.

Hot Chicks Explained, Again

Here’s a pretty good primer on Silvio Berlusconi and the world he created: “The velina has become more than a mainstay of Italian television; she is the rock on which Berlusconi built his political career. In the 15 years since he began dominating Italian politics, Berlusconi has…

Also Today In Bears

This “audition tape” for the Yogi Bear movie is such an automatic post for me I’m not sure why I’m even adding copy to the post. You want context? Go here. Otherwise, sit back and enjoy.

Reading ‘Going Rogue’ Live, This Weekend

This weekend, Rudolph Delson, our official correspondent on vice-presidential literature, will finally sit down and read Sarah Palin’s memoir of all things nearly vice-presidential, Going Rogue. He will begin reading on Saturday morning, when the clock…

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