10 Days to Go: Turning 50! 50 GlowTips I’m sharing to Spread the Glow!

Bettina Moss
3 min readDec 22, 2014


10 Days to go until I turn 50! So I’ve decided to share 50 GlowTips to Get Your Glow ON — one per day, in no particular order of importance and just as they come to me…

And here’s GlowTip 41: You’re not here to explain yourself. You’re here to express yourself!

“For the *millionth* time…” Have you not heard me *at all*?!”

If you’ve ever found yourself ‘having to’ explain yourself, your personal choices or your point of view, to the same people, over and over till you’re blue in the face — you’ll know how frustrating and exhausting it can be.

Explaining is draining!

If someone’s just not ‘getting it’ — then maybe they don’t want to get it. Maybe they’re not willing to understand. And maybe they don’t want to accept it, for whatever personal reasons of their own.

(But if no-one ever gets it, you may want to change the way you’re communicating!)

You don’t need to justify your values or desires to anybody else. And you don’t need to keep defending your point of view.

You’re not here to explain yourself. You’re here to express yourself — your vision, your values, your creativity and what’s important to you!

There are some people who think that they’re always right — they always know better, they have all the answers and they think that they’re far superior to everyone else. So nu? Let them!

Why waste time and energy defending yourself against someone else’s insecurities?

It’s your point of view. You’re entitled to it. You don’t need to keep explaining. You don’t need to defend it. And you don’t have to win every argument.

In fact, you can choose not to argue at all. You can choose to let it go. You can agree to disagree.

That doesn’t mean you’ve ‘given in’. It means you have enough self-respect and belief in yourself to choose Peace.

I’m over having to explain myself and my choices to anyone. It’s my life. And my opinions and preferences and beliefs and priorities are mine to choose. They don’t have to make sense to anybody else.

The simplest way to understand is to accept. And the people who get me, and are willing to understand, will always accept and support me. So why would I waste my energy constantly having to explain myself to the ones who won’t?

I’d rather express myself, enjoy myself and Get my Glow ON!

Read GlowTip 1 here

Read GlowTip 2 here

Read GlowTip 3 here

Read GlowTip 4 here

Read GlowTip 5 here

Read GlowTip 6 here

Read GlowTip 7 here

Read GlowTip 8 here

Read GlowTip 9 here

Read GlowTip 10 here

Read GlowTip 11 here

Read GlowTip 12 here

Read GlowTip 13 here

Read GlowTip 14 here

Read GlowTip 15 here

Read GlowTip 16 here

Read GlowTip 17 here

Read GlowTip 18 here

Read GlowTip 19 here

Read GlowTip 20 here

Read GlowTip 21 here

Read GlowTip 22 here

Read GlowTip 23 here

Read GlowTip 24 here

Read GlowTip 25 here

Read GlowTip 26 here

Read GlowTip 27 here

Read GlowTip 28 here

Read GlowTip 29 here

Read GlowTip 30 here

Read GlowTip 31 here

Read GlowTip 32 here

Read GlowTip 33 here

Read GlowTip 34 here

Read GlowTip 35 here

Read GlowTip 36 here

Read GlowTip 37 here

Read GlowTip 38 here

Read GlowTip 39 here

Read GlowTip 40 here

