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Designers: Show Off For Fun & Profit

Maddy Osman from BlogSmith tells us that some of the hottest job skills in the modern age…

Mission, Vision and Values

So I mentioned in one of my previous posts about investing in a group coaching program. I’m really bad at these courses but I am doing my best to catch up (we are already in Week 2) and here’s mine, finally!

The Thinkruptor Manifesto

From Thinkruptor, the new magazine for tech entrepreneurs, investors and startups, where we explore and share insight into the steps that lead to business success.


It’s a new year, and it’s a good time to identify what you really want for your business by the end of the year.

But first of all, do you even know the current state of your business? Do you understand your financials, your…

Tunnel Vision Redefined

DJ 013 — Vol. II

I’ve been some developing thoughts about the idea of having tunnel vision over the past couple days. Today, I had an experience that really helped to make it clear for me. The way I defined tunnel vision up until now after hearing…