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Startups: How to succeed in 2018

Welcome and Happy New Year from Kandu! Digital strategist and business coach Kate Bradshaw explains how harnessing your inner landscape can power your growth.

Entrepreneurs/Ecopreneurs: Passion is more important than the idea itself in the business start-up process.

2worlds nurtures entrepreneurs that care about our environment through Education,workshops and Consultation. Ecopreneurship/ entrepreneurship

The dichotomous relationship between hard work and luck in achieving “success” is often deliberated.
Andrew Mutavdzija

Thanks Andrew Mutavdzija for the detailed and enlighting follow-up. This is precisely what I love about Medium, people arguing and bringing the original idea further, or in a new and better direction.

Your answer was very well referenced, and that was quite interesting to read and dive in the topic. My story clearly lacks…

I Made Your Clothes

Sara Keel spent over a decade as a designer for the brand Anthropologie. She now owns her own company, Penrose Design Studio. Sara is an entrepreneur, mother, and advocate for slow-fashion.

CES 2018: no new folks launches the world’s first shoe log platform Orphe Track

As CES 2018, the largest tech trade show in the world, rolls out in Las Vegas, Makers Boot Camp is excited to share some breaking news directly from Sands Expo.

Give your startup a fighting chance

What is more valuable, is it what you know, or who you know?🤔

Or is it who knows you?

In life and business, success is not only what you know, but who you know. In my recent article in Upstart NY, titled “Give Your…