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Song of the day: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4F4rfbFdcJk

Quote of the day: “If you trust, you will be disappointed occasionally, but if you mistrust, you will be miserable all the time.” ~Abraham Lincoln

Why you should work at Cake

On average, we will spend 90,000 hours working in our lifetimes — here are my thoughts on the best way for you to spend your hours (and how I figured out how to spend mine).

Foster Growth Website Ownership Feature Image

by Jen McFarland January 4, 2018 0

What No One Tells You About Website Ownership

Pricing cannot be an afterthought

January 5, 2018

I wrote yesterday how the notion of app ideas is still fairly romantic, and challenged anyone exploring building one to really give it some thought before actually doing so. I don’t mean this to say “don’t experiment and hack…

Vishal Morjaria 6 Figure Business Summit

Vishal Morjaria, an award-winning author and international speaker, will hold the first of its kind 6 figure Business Summit in 2018. The summit is focused towards helping entrepreneurs multiply their profit with effective marketing and networking strategies.

7 Motivating Podcasts for Entrepreneurs
Kim Sutton

Two other good ones:

How I built this by NPR — they highlight stories and guests that are prominent entrepreneurs who have built some great businesses

The Garyvee Audio Experience — by Gary Vaynerchuk — great advice for entrepreneurs and often a lot fo useful advice on sales, marketing and running a…

This story is unavailable.

Hey Tyler Kleeberger!

Really loved reading about something different this time apart from all of the “hack this, hack that,” pieces. Easy comes as easy goes, and playing the long game is definitely essential to any sort of success, be it written, physical, career, psychological, or anything else.