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Our thesis on communal housing

We also published this post on CRV’s Medium account — follow them here!

As recent college grads, we have many friends in the process of transitioning from school to the workforce. Their biggest complaint? Finding relatively affordable housing in…

10 Questions with Shan-Lyn Ma, Founder & CEO at Zola

In our new blog series, FirstMark gets personal with outstanding entrepreneurs and CEOs, with quick interviews on their stories, likes, dislikes and ambitions.

Top 10.5 Books for 2017

Last year, I posted my top books for 2016, thought I would do so again!

The Captain Class: The Hidden Force That Creates the World’s Greatest Teams by Sam Walker

The Capital Factory body

Capital Factory does a lot of different things to support entrepreneurs. I…

SoGal Sydney tackles women in investing

SoGal, originally from California, has started hosting monthly events in Sydney. The most…

From apartheid township to tech entrepreneur

Luvuyo Rani, Co-Founder and Managing Director, Silulo Technologies, South Africa

12 Questions That Will Change Your Life
Ryan Holiday

Your article was great to read Ryan Holiday. In order to live the life you want, you need to have the right mindset. You have to think about what is most important to you and work to be the best at it.

About Ezekiel Trisler

EzekielTrisler is an online platform that offer free mentoring on writing techniques, no matter the genre you want to specialize in. Here at EzekielTrisler, we would tutor you on how to create a prolific writing career and how to make money through it. This tutoring service is free upon…