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Becoming Health Literate - Diet, Sleep, Fitness & Fasting

2017 was all about financial literacy. It’s the final day of January 2018 and I’m 60 days into my 2018 goal of becoming health literate. This first article is going to outline the things that I’ve taken on in the first 60 days of

Zero to Launch | Weeks 1 + 2

I recently joined Ramit Sethi’s course, Zero to Launch, with the goal of building an online business in the fitness sphere.

Key learnings

  • If people trust you, they will show it by paying you.

Female founders: Where do we go from here?

Welcome to the final instalment of Your Moment of Ambition a 20-part series brought to you by KoMedia Inc, and written by staff writer Kylie Adair. This series dives into the daily realities for women entrepreneurs and can land in your inbox every Tuesday

Awesome post!
Nikki Norton

Hi Nikki Norton! Yes! I’d love to connect to chat sometime! My email is eugene@destinyhacks.co if you ever want to brainstorm your options together.

Your morning guide to daily happiness

Every morning our routines set us up for success (or failure). Jordan Gross breaks down the routine into 5 simple steps that will help you to energize your body, soothe your mind, and get excited about the day ahead.

2018 is the year of GROWTH

According to the Chinese calendar, 2018 is the year of the dog. According to ours, it is the year of growth.

Understanding Entrepreneurship — Part II — New Beginnings

Date Wed 31 January 2018 Tags Luther / HigherEd / Runestone

Whenever I teach this JTerm course on entrepreneurship, friends and colleagues often ask me “do you miss it?” Meaning do I miss the business…

Hire Best Magician in Sydney at Reasonable Charges

Magician hire Sydney is like taking a bet on a football game. This is particularly so if you have no prior engagement with the individual you are contracting. If you make the wrong decision, you may end up with a scruffy amateur who can only…