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Book review — Lovability: How to Build a Business That People Love and Be Happy Doing It

As part of joining Aha!, I was given a book to read: Lovability: How to Build a Business That People Love and Be Happy Doing It. It’s a refreshing business book where Brian de…

Want to try some superfood from the Artic?

Artic Warriors is an exciting start-up based in Finnish Lapland at the Artic Circle. It was started by three people who wondered why, while superfoods were the buzz around the world, no one cared about the magical produce of food and herbs grown in and…

Who you are in one situation is different from who you are in a different situation.
3 Ways People Become Stuck, Undeveloped, and Unsuccessful
Benjamin Hardy, PhD

This reminds me of a point James Fadiman made on Scott Barry Kaufman’s The Psychology Podcast: the concept of multitude in personalities. Depending on the situation, we shift between our different selves. This “switching gears” metaphor has stuck with me, and I think most writing about self-development/personal growth/personality psych harps too much…

6 things I learned while working at a growing startup

Have you ever visited a hill station? As you go up the twirling roads and then look back, you find it amazing to see how far have you come, and then go back to pondering about the steep terrains that you have crossed! Well to draw in…

How to Kiss Frogs: (aka) Tips for Bringing in the Right Investor

I hope you’ve heard this expression before.

(If not, then you may be questioning my politeness or my sanity.)

You Don’t Just Need a Logo — You Need a Brand Guide

This article was originally posted on www.tapacreative.com

Clients who come to Tapa Creative in need of a logo design often mean they need a brand guide. What I mean by this is that business owners think that the…

I’m Glad You’re Successful, But Please Deflate Your Head
Andrea Claudia

Thanks to Tom Kuegler for applauding and commenting on your column Andrea. Otherwise I might have missed it. Not only do I know too many people who have done this to me and others but you remind us all to remember our roots.

I worked with a business coach once when I was struggling with staff issues. We worked for a year…

Blogfest 1: Jakki Francis and Her Biz Her Way

First past the post with her entry into the 2018 Blogfest is Jakki Francis who writes about Her Biz Her Way.

“This blog post comes about as the result of a personal invitation by my friend and coach Judith Morgan. She has
This story is unavailable.

-I absolutely LOVE and agree with this statement. I’ve been focussed lately on starting the Deliberate Questions Matter blog which tackles this as the primary idea. 
Is there any chance you would consider posting this article there as a guest publisher while I’m working to build an audience that cares about this topic?

Much appreciated! -Carson