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The Hellmuth Experience

You know those moments when you look back and think ‘Did that really just happen?’ My first XPR Vegas experience was one of these rare and precious moments. It seems surreal. To be fair, this is precisely what the experiences are designed for, yet not even I could have anticipated the…

Bee Token Demo Video of Beenest Prototype

San Francisco, CA
January 28th, 2018

“Bankers are rich and dumb” — Elon Musk

In Elon Musk’s biography, by Ashlee Vance, Elon recounts when he interned for the Bank of Nova Scotia (Canada). When he worked there, the Bank of Nova Scotia was holding billions of dollars in debt for developing countries. Musk learned about Brady Bonds…

The real job of Founder A and Founder B

Updated version at my personal blog: https://www.theyashrane.wordpress.com

It took me close to 2 years to realise, that as a startup founder my real job is neither to acquire customers, nor to strategise the marketing campaign, nor to…

Doğru Soruyu Sormak!

Bu yazımda, Girişimciye Dönüş’ü ortaya çıkarırken sık sık kullandığımız aynı zamanda adımlardan birine de özel araçlar ile eklediğimiz bir metottan bahsetmek istiyorum. Bu metot potansiyel müşterilere doğru soru sormanın incelikleri hakkında önemli detayları içinde barındırıyor. Şimdiden…

Phoenix Tech Events (Jan. 29th — Feb. 4th)

Monday (Jan. 29th)

TLDC 2018 Conference ($595) | 7:30am @ Galvanize
Training, Learning, and Development
ICOs and the Ecosystem | 7:30pm @ ASU Coors Hall
Blockchain Innovation Society

Overcoming Obstacles to Scale My Business

I attended a dinner about overcoming obstacles to scale your business last week put on by The Supper Club, where business owners share challenges and learnings on how to grow. My SEO company BlueGlass is a small fish in the world of UK agency services, so…

On Going Outside Your Comfort Zone…

Recently I had attended a really good event at Launch Academy where non-technical founders spoke candidly about their experiences, learnings, and successes with doing tech start ups. A few comments that really stood out from the presenters for me: