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The Gary Vaynerchuk message of hustle simply has to be balanced with common sense. I love his insight, vision and message to have patience, but his message of “hustle” cannot be applied literally — although I have no doubt he means it that way. Enjoyed your perspective Jon! Bill Tomoff Olivia Tomoff

The Saga Continues: The Nonprofit Stigma

Recently, I published an article called The Nonprofit Stigma. You may have seen it floating around the inter-webs. It stirred up quite the discussion, in part, because of statements like this:

“The Nonprofit Stigma is that…

How hard is it to start a tech startup?

Clipchamp’s CEO and co-founder Alexander Dreiling knows what it takes to start a successful tech startup. Here he shares his advice for all future entrepreneurs about taking that first leap of faith and getting started.

Cómo aplicar análisis estratégico para innovar en tu empresa

Ya he hablado bastante de la necesidad de ENTENDER LA OPORTUNIDAD, en concreto de analizar el entorno, detectar tendencias y monitorizar la competencia, cuando quieres lanzar un producto o servicio al mercado. Son pasos…

My Candid Response to Our Latest Blog Post

One of the things you’ll find reading my company’s New Year’s resolutions is that we’re shifting away from talking about the services we offer. Instead, we want to focus on the solutions we can bring to the table. This is due to us defining our brand…

Phoenix Tech Events (Jan. 22nd — Jan. 28th)

Monday (Jan. 22nd)

Cybersecurity and Basic Hacks | 6pm @ Galvanize
Central Cybersecurity Meetup
Convert Reply Emails to Revenue | 6pm @ MAC6
Arizona Marketing Technology (MarTech)

The Containerization of Everything

This post originally appeared on www.benpdavis.com.

One of the major forces in computing right now is the deployment of software via ‘containers.’ From Docker: “A container…is a lightweight, stand-alone, executable package of a piece of…