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Why Amazon Will Change Whole Foods — and what that means for the customer

Business Insider and Twitter are reporting on the Whole Foods “crisis” of empty shelves and low inventory. Amazon’s purchase of Whole Foods Market in August of 2017 is not even 1 year ago as of today…

Seeking Alpha

Innovation theory teaches you that the value of innovation outcomes follows a typical normal/bell curve distribution: Some ideas turn out to be crap, most are okay, and a few are positive outliers which turn into the disruptors of their respective industries. These outliers create what investment…

YENA Plymouth Launch Event

A new networking group, YENA Plymouth, held their inaugural event for young entrepreneurs on the 15th January…

Little bets or big bets?

Book of the Day, Little Bets: How Breakthrough Ideas Emerge from Small Discoveries by Peter Sims ;

We all want to make big bets. That’s a Silicon Valley mantra. Be bold. Go big. But I think ingenious ideas are over-rated and that people routinely bet big on…

ROI Calculator — Return on Investment

ROI calculator is a kind of investment calculator which enables you to estimate the profit or loss of your investment. Return on investment calculator can also be used to compare the efficiency of a few investments. Thus, you can find the ROI formula helpful when…

How Nike Started?

I just finished this book and really enjoyed it.

Any entrepreneur and/or a runner should read it. Such an amazing story of a startup (they didn’t have this term back in 1962) that fight against the giants (e.g. Adidas, US customs, Tiger etc’) and succeed to win. Big time.

True mentor help startups in bad time.

Click here

The recent growth in Startup activity is a evident for us to know that there are many inspiring Start-ups entrepreneurs who are ready to take the risk and achieve their dream. But not all the entrepreneurs can achieve the…

digital marketing: more opportunities for businesses and consumers. part I

The generational changes in companies and the greater need to communicate consumers have driven the implementation of marketing strategies jump from the real world to the virtual world.