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To be, or not to be… a freelancer?

Robert Vlach is the founder of Na volné noze, one of the largest national freelance communities in

21 Questions from Aussie Startups: Highs, lows & lessons learned during Canva’s journey so far…
Melanie Perkins

Epic read Melanie — great to see all the uncertainties along the way and the myth of overnight success!

“In order for Canva to take off — we had to get every person who came into our product to have a great experience in a couple of minutes.” — onboarding is still widly overlooked and your emphasis was great.

Hiring — key to start up growth

One of the key challenges of growing a startup is hiring. In my two years of running TestVagrant I felt that hiring remained one of our biggest challenge. Every Saturday since the time we started this company (we 3 co-founders) meet for a coffee. We ideate on the growth…

Putting Procrastination to the Death Bed

Ever cursed yourself for not starting a task sooner? The clock is ticking and the…

Is 2018 a dream or a nightmare?

Social Media is becoming more and more inmersive, SocialChain in UK is predicting the use of more apps like 360ª or virtual lenses giving us a sensation of natural experiences, you know, realistic mood. Don’t forget to share it. Woho!

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Josue Arteaga This was a very motivating article to read. By focusing on what you need to do you can accomplish anything. You have to do what is most important in order to move your business forward. It’s a long and hard journey to become successful and you must work hard in order to achieve your dreams.