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3 Podcasts That Every Leader Should Listen To

It’s intriguing to me that this “old” technology is continuing to grow in popularity. But it makes sense- most people still drive to work and podcasts (or audio books) are a great way to use your time wisely and learn (or be entertained) on the go…

Why We Need More Family Friendly Corporate Culture

Welcome to part seventeen of Your Moment of Ambition a 20-part series brought to you by KoMedia Inc, and written by staff writer Kylie Adair. This series dives into the daily realities for women entrepreneurs and can land in your inbox every

How to Overcome a Bad Half

“Nothing in life is less important than the score at halftime.” — Amy Trask

How many times have you turned off a game at halftime — only to find out later that your team rallied and ended up winning?