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5 Steps to a Great Annual Plan

This post was written by Adeo Ressi, CEO of the Founder Institute, the world’s premier startup launch

Cross-cultural difference in advertising messages

The phenomenon of advertising has long been a subject of research in several disciplines such as marketing, mass communication, sociology, semiotics, cultural studies and social psychology. Although the phenomenon of advertising has been…

You are what you read — 2017

In the last couple of years (2015, 2016) I’ve actively tried to improve my learning routine. I’ve commited to cutting out dopamine inducing articles and replaced them with (audio)books.

Everything I Know About Business I Learned In The SCA, Part 2: Squad Leader

In part one, I presented some Lessons For The Grunt, lessons for the individual trying to be a productive part of a larger team. I’m grateful for all the applause it received, and the encouraging…

Sobre suor e lágrimas…

Para quem é apaixonado pelo tema de startups, é difícil não comemorar a confirmação do primeiro unicórnio (empresa de tecnologia. avaliada em mais de 1 bilhão de dólares) brasileiro. Se eu não trabalhasse na 99, já sentiria muito orgulho desse momento, mas poder vivenciá-lo é algo…

How To Understand The Things That Truly Motivate You.

Originally posted at Evergreen Profits.

From time to time we’re going to throw a bit of mindset and motivation your way to get your head on the right track for your business. Today, we’re going to guide you…