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Disrupting eBay: The Rise of Vertical Marketplaces

We published this post via CRV’s Medium as well — check it out here!

As investors in consumer marketplaces, we’re excited to see the rise of vertical marketplaces disrupting eBay. When eBay went public in 1998, the…

Introducing Spearhead

Today we’re announcing Spearhead, a program dedicated to founders backing founders by providing funding and mentorship…

Fulfilling our purpose at Paga

Yesterday I wrote an email to the Paga team reflecting on 2017 and sharing my views of what 2018 has in store for us. In the email I said:

We are entering into the fulfilment of our purpose as a business to offer payments and financial services to
10 Things You Need To Give Up If You Want To Be Exceptionally Successful
Elle Kaplan

Elle, love this quote you shared, “I always knew I was going to be rich. I don’t think I ever doubted it for a minute.”Warren Buffett

When I was younger I thought this would be the answer. Now I realize it’s only a small part.

Having the courage to question what lives in our heart and why is authentic freedom. Financial wealth provides the external freedom.

Internal Rate of Return: What You Need to Know

Originally published on blog.hockeystick.co.

Despite its unresolved intellectual quandaries, the financial industry has turned the IRR metric into the most popular capital budgeting metric in the USA and the second most…

9. curator he said, she said

When we screened the Cidade Queer film at K.o.clubmilano during the socially engaged ‘school’ at @viafarini in Milano — and after a week+ of watching her and trying to figure out the matron of the arts organization — I finally figured you out. When your friend and former…

This story is unavailable.

Dan Silvestre Your article was a great read. Your life will become more simple when you only focus on doing the tasks you love that are going to move you forward. Having a bunch of tasks to do each day tricks your mind into thinking you’re being more productive. But in reality you are wasting time on things that aren’t important. Getting rid of the clutter will allow you to work most efficiently.