24 min readNov 13, 2018

Christopher Richard Wade Dettling (2018)

Donald Trump won the most astounding victory in the history of the U.S. presidency.¹

American Idealism in the 21st Century

The rise of the Trump Revolution, which promises to continue unabated, because of increasing Republican hegemony on the US Supreme Court, especially after the Senate results of the 2019 US Midterm Elections, has profoundly uplifted American political economy, especially regarding the Asia Pacific region: Chinese finance, commerce and industry is slowly becoming more rationalized, in the sense that a Free Trade Agreement between Washington and Peking is a move toward greater rational political and economic order, which greatly benefits the United States of America and the Asia Pacific region, — as well as the periphery, although to a lesser degree. Obviously the small American Idealists are not very pleased with this turn of electoral events. President Trump’s tariffs are beneficial to the vast reorganization of Global American finance, commerce and industry unchained by the Digital Revolution of the first decade of the 21st century: The USMCA is a massive shift in North America toward alignment with the new political and economic direction of world history. President Trump is the first truly great 21st century American Idealist: The rational planetization of Globalism is therefore well under way. From out of the White House, Washington and Wall Street, arises the new American ruling class of the Trump Revolution, powerfully in control of the 21st century computational and technological conjuncture, as the supremacy of Americanism in the world.

The 21st century American industrial revolutionaries of the White House, Washington and Wall Street are busy implementing the rational conception of Americanism inherited from Ronald Reagan: The great American Idealists of the pre–digital era, and even during the Digital Revolution, only dreamed of such a feat. They followed in the footsteps of world history, for during the Digital Revolution their hands were tied by the War on Global Terrorism unchained by the 9/11 Terrorist Attacks, and then afterwards by the Great Recession of 2008. Yet in their actions these fetters of history are burst asunder! Americanism is rising upwards in the world of today, as the rational planetization of Global civilization in the supremacy of American Liberty.

President Lincoln and the Civil War uplifted Americanism from out of the seedbed of the Revolutionary War, and established the American Idealist conception of the struggle between superior and inferior ruling classes upon a much higher plane of world history. President Wilson and the Great War uplifted Americanism from out of the seedbed of the Revolutionary War and Civil War, and established the American Idealist conception of the struggle between superior and inferior ruling classes upon an even higher plane of world history. President Roosevelt and the Second World War uplifted Americanism from out of the seedbed of the Revolutionary War, Civil War and Great War, and established the American Idealist conception of the struggle between superior and inferior ruling classes upon an ever higher plane of world history. President Reagan and the Cold War uplifted Americanism from out of the seedbed of the Revolutionary War, Civil War, Great War and the Second World War, and established the American Idealist conception of the struggle between superior and inferior ruling classes upon the greatest plane of world history: The birth of the Space Age and the rise of Cosmism.

These, then, are the three phases of Americanism of the 19th, 20th and 21st centuries, comprehended as moments of the world historical struggle between superior and inferior ruling classes, in the strife between republicanism and monarchism unleashed in the almighty clash between the Industrial and French Revolutions, as the collapse of modern European right and birth of Global freedom: The Trump Revolution, as the 21st century inheritor of the American Idealist conception of the American World, is now implementing Americanism as the rational planetization of Global civilization, in the supremacy of American Liberty.

The outdated modern European distinctions between science and ideology are surpassed and overcome in the American political and economic rationality of Globalism: The World Mind of today, apprehends modernity anew, in other words, returns to itself again out of its rejection of the modern phase of apprehension, the rejection and return constitute the mentality of Globalism as world civilization, the highest stage of universal freedom as American Liberty, — higher than the modern, mediaeval, ancient and archaic mentalities. We name the theoretical and practical upholding and uplifting of the mentality of Globalism, established in the Global divisions of American political and economic rationality, as the 21st century task of the Trump Revolution, the guardian of American computational and technological superpower.


The most profitable areas of globalization in the coming post–NAFTA and post–BREXIT decade are destined to develop around the United States of America and the Asia Pacific region: The political and economic complexifications of the financial, commercial and industrial evolution of globalization, are inscribed within the determinations of the powerful world historical dynamic of the 21st century computational and technological conjuncture. The most profitable areas of globalization in the coming post–NAFTA and post–BREXIT decade are therefore destined to revolve around emergent business structures.

The rational conceptualization of the world historical dynamic of these emergent computational and technological structures of the coming business cycle is itself therefore a political and economic dimension of the rise of American finance, commerce and industry in the Global world: The notion of these emergent business structures as world historical centers of profit therefore applies only to the United States of America and the Asia Pacific region. Beyond their center of gravity, these rational conceptions of Americanism are void of marrow.


The clash of titanic political and economic forces between Europe and Asia, unleashed by the decomposition of the Soviet Empire, means that European civilization is convulsed in great reformation, a process of equilibrium and recalibration which promises to engulf most of the 21st century. Never before in the history of the world has European humanity ever experienced such an eventuality: Europe and Western Asia around the Ural mountain range are forming into one geopolitical entity, in the world historical dynamism of Globalism, as the rational planetization of Americanism.

European civilization is convulsed in great reformation, a process of equilibrium and calibration which promises to engulf most of the 21st century: The power struggles between northern and southern Europe are intensified by the potent schisms between western and eastern Europe. These persistent and long lasting fractures mean that Europe is not the profit center of 21st century world civilization. Business plans in forty league boots do not cast world historical determinations aside, but they themselves are engulfed in the floodtide of history.

The west coast of Canada, while not located within the center of profit zone, nevertheless is within the periphery of the US–Asia Pacific region, and therefore will be exposed to financial, commercial and industrial dynamism. The economic heartland of Canada is far beyond the periphery, and greatly retarded by the divisions between western and eastern Canada, as well as between Toronto and Montréal in the power struggles between Ontario and Québec: The last half century of wasted potential, in the light of the new conjuncture, means that their retardation is greatly amplified, and which, when combined with the European situation, means that their erstwhile financial, commercial and industrial power is slowly and inexorably shifting to the west coast of Canada. The eastern establishmentarians cannot simply move the bulk of their interests westwards because they do not possess the computational and technological power to resist the encroachments of California. On the west coast of Canada, the backwards cartels, outdated monopolies and corrupt trusts of the hydraulic ruling class cannot resist and repulse the rise of Americanism in the coming post–NAFTA and post–BREXIT decade. The degenerate ruling class of Laurentian élites is already engaged in a life and death struggle at home, against the rising computational and technological power of Americanism in eastern Canada.

The eastern establishmentarians can only slash taxes and increase infrastructure spending, which will mostly benefit the living standards of the west coast, but decrease much needed services in central and eastern Canada, as well as increase federal public debt, repayment of which falls mostly on the shoulders of Ontarians: Their political and economic problems will therefore be compounded, especially because the tax base on the west coast is not substantial when compared to rising federal requirements. The standard of living will therefore increase on the west coast, while decreasing in central and eastern Canada, because buying power is vastly increased in the periphery of the US–Asia Pacific region. The GDP of the west coast will increase, but the main beneficiaries will be American and Asian finance, commerce and industry in Canada (which employs many Western Canadians), but not the the backwards cartels, outdated monopolies and corrupt trusts of the hydraulic ruling class. Federal taxation authorities, under the thumbs of the eastern establishment, are impotent in the face of Uncle Sam and the Asians, for in the first case their élites smart under tariffs which harm their main industries, but which hardly touch the vested interests of the west coast, and secondly, they run from the Asians, in mortal fear for their health. The same remarks hold good of the effete and mortally corrupt Dieselgate aristocracy of Eurocentric Eurocracy.

The standard of life on the west coast is dramatically increasing, while GDP is moderately on the rise, — all of which greatly benefits residents of the Lower Mainland and the Fraser Valley. In the coming decades, this ground will become increasingly fertile for American and Asian finance, commerce and industry in Canada, which is preparing the political and economic power transition towards the Western Establishment. This bipolar transition will continue during the 21st century, until the Western Establishment is the dominant ruling class in Canada, under the supremacy of Americanism in the world.


We repeat: The ascendancy of the Trump Revolution, which promises to continue unabated because of increasing Republican hegemony on the US Supreme Court, especially after the Senate results of the 2019 US Midterm Elections, has profoundly uplifted American political economy, especially regarding the Asia Pacific region: Chinese finance, commerce and industry is slowly becoming more rationalized, in the sense that a Free Trade Agreement between Washington and Peking is a move toward greater rational political and economic order, which greatly benefits the United States of America and the Asia Pacific region, — as well as the periphery, although to a lesser degree.

President Trump’s tariffs are beneficial to the vast reorganization of Global American finance, commerce and industry unchained by the Digital Revolution of the first decade of the 21st century: The USMCA is a massive shift in North America toward alignment with the new political and economic direction of world history. President Trump is the first truly great 21st century American Idealist: The rational planetization of Globalism is therefore well under way. From out of the White House, Washington and Wall Street, arises the new American ruling class of the Trump Revolution, powerfully in control of the 21st century computational and technological conjuncture, as the supremacy of Americanism in the world.


The rational (world historical) conception of the Digital Revolution is the very fountainhead of the Computational and Technological Conjuncture, as the rise of the American political and economic rationality of the White House, Washington and Wall Street in the 21st century: The Digital Revolution is therefore the computational and technological conception of Americanism in 21st century world history.

The rise of the American political and economic rationality of the White House, Washington and Wall Street in the 21st century, as the computational and technological conception of Americanism, is therefore the world historical notion of the Digital Revolution as the very fountainhead of the Computational and Technological Conjuncture of the New Science of Noology.

Shall we therefore maintain that the rational conceptualization of the computational and technological conjuncture of the Digital Revolution is the world historical aspect of the Science of Noology? Not at all. The rational conceptualization of the computational and technological conjuncture of the Digital Revolution is itself (causa sui) the world historical moment of the Science of Noology as the supremacy of Noologism, in the birth of Cosmism: Noospherical cognition is therefore Noologism as the rational planetization of Cosmism, in the 21st century American Idealist conceptualization of world civilization and rise of the Space Age.


America: Beacon of Western Civilization

Conceptualization of the universal historical rise of 21st century American Idealism from out of the 20th century American world, as the Trump revolution and supremacy of American Liberty as Absolute freedom, conceives American nationalism as the rational conception of Americanism, and which is mortally opposed to modern European nationalism, born from the power struggles between the Industrial and French revolutions, as the clash between the science of economics and socialism, — as rational political and economic order versus political and economic irrationalism, in the world historical struggle between objective and subjective freedom: This is the world historical seedbed of American nationalism, the rise of the United States of American as a continental civilization, as the beacon of the Western world. In this matter of world history, rational conceptualization mortally opposes modern European versions of Americanism, as Kantian anti–Hegelian and Kantio–Hegelian phantasms and delusions,— rather as genuine Hegelians, we follow in the world historical footsteps of the rational Hegelian conceptions of the pure Hegel.

Conceptualization as genuine Hegelian conceptual rationality, conceives the world historical roots of 21st century American Idealism within the struggle between superior and inferior ruling classes: The Revolutionary war, the Civil war, the First and Second world wars, the Cold War, as well as the war on terrorism. American conceptual rationality, conceptualized by the minds of the greatest American Idealists, the US Presidents, Secretaries of State and their administrations, conceives as the rational conceptualization of America, the American Idealist conception of Americanism in the 21st century world of today. The birth of the United States of America as a continental civilization and 20th century beacon of the Western world, is the rational Hegelian conception of American Idealism as the rise of Globalism and collapse of European modernity, in the supremacy of American Liberty.

American conceptual rationality therefore casts aside all abstractions of Americanism, as outdated and surpassed categories, as dead and inert ideas in the world of today, as vanishing phases of world history: All sophistical conceptions of modernity and Globalism are likewise swept into the dustbin of history, along with the entire field of Kantian anti–Hegelian and Kantio–Hegelian “historiography,” whether as national or cosmopolitan portraits of America, — especially on account of its inveterate psychologism, its subjectivism, relativism and irrationalism.

Conceptualization of Americanism, in the rational Hegelian sense, is therefore the form and content of the conceptual rationality of the American world, as the struggle between subjective and objective freedom in world history, from out of the clash between Kant and Hegel, from which arises the Absolute freedom of American Liberty. The substantial form, the concrete universality of American conceptual rationality, and its developmental unification and coaxial integration, as the Noetic scientivity of the Noosphere, is found within the clash of ruling classes: From out of the womb of history, arise universal historical determinations, the amniotic complexifications of which constitute the embryonic development of the world. The worldhood of the American world, the realm of its universality as the Noetic scientivity of the Noosphere, is the conceptual rationality of the rational conceptualization of the concept of Americanism.

The conceptual rationality of the rational conceptualization of the concept of Americanism, conceives that the political and economic worldhood of the American world englobes North America, the United States, Canada and Mexico, not merely in the notional form and content of the political and economic geography of continentalism, but also as the central and innermost sphere of Americanism. Make no mistake, the conceptual relationship between the innermost essence of Americanism and its outermost conceptualization, englobes the entire Western world. The innermost and basic dynamism of Americanism, the essence of American conceptual rationality as causa sui, self–determination in the genuine Hegelian sense, namely the myriad relationships between the White House, Washington and Wall Street, englobes North America within the developmental unification of the coaxial integration of the American world.

Conceptualization, since conceptions possess a life and freedom of their own (self–determination as causa sui), therefore conceives of the political and economic worldhood of the American world as the rationalization between core and periphery, which conceptually arises from the very conceptual substrata of Americanism itself, — within concrete universality as the universal form of the immanence of the self–determination of American conceptual rationality. What is the rationality of personality, but the evolution of conceptuality? We must draw attention to the essential conceptual complexifications between the political economies of the West coast of the United States of America with Mexico, as well as between the East coast with Canada: This political and economic dynamism is always found within the rational calculations of the American political economy of the White House, Washington and Wall Street, as the developmental unification of the coaxial integration of the American world, — as America’s rational conception of itself.

For readers accustomed to the sophistical verbiage of 20th century Kantian anti–Hegelianism and Kantio–Hegelianism, especially in the 21st century, how very foreign our language must sound, devoid of reverberations of American perspectives, views, outlooks and standpoints of the world (standpunkt, perspektive, weltanschauung). Make no further mistake: The application of outdated and surpassed conceptions, as rational solutions to today’s political and economic challenges, is irrationalism: Modern European unreason in the Global world, unchained by the Digital Revolution, is undone in the rise of Americanism, having self–destructively cleared away from Western civilization’s universal historical ground, the political and economic delusions and phantasms of modernity, as the inescapable lesson of history, in the strife of ruling classes under the floodtide of American rationality.

To be continued …


1. Joel B. Pollak & Larry Schweikart, “Introduction,” How Trump Won: The Inside Story of a Revolution, New Jersey, 2017.


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Americanism Works on

Christopher Richard Wade Dettling, Trumpocracy: The Trump Revolution, (San Francisco, California: The Medium Corporation, 2018).

Christopher Richard Wade Dettling, PostNAFTA and PostBREXIT Globalization: Emergent Business Structures of the Computational and Technological Conjuncture, (San Francisco, California: The Medium Corporation, 2018).

Christopher Richard Wade Dettling, The Emergence of Emergence: Business Structures of the 21st Century Technological and Computational Conjuncture, (San Francisco, California: The Medium Corporation, 2019).

Christopher Richard Wade Dettling, American Idealism: The American Idealism of Joseph Alden, (San Francisco, California: The Medium Corporation, 2019).

Hegel and Hegelianism Works on

Christopher Richard Wade Dettling, Americanism: The New Hegelian Orthodoxy, (San Francisco, California: The Medium Corporation, 2016). [2013]

Christopher Richard Wade Dettling, Stronghold of Hegel: Modern Enemies of Plato and Hegel, (San Francisco, California: The Medium Corporation, 2016). [2013]

Christopher Richard Wade Dettling, Rational Hegelianism: The Science of Noology, (San Francisco, California: The Medium Corporation, 2018).

Christopher Richard Wade Dettling, Rational Hegelianism: The Refutation of Hegel, (San Francisco, California: The Medium Corporation, 2018).

Christopher Richard Wade Dettling, Hegel Kantianized: The KantioHegelian Logic of George Di Giovanni, (San Francisco, California: The Medium Corporation, 2018).

Christopher Richard Wade Dettling, Hegelianism and European Modernity, (San Francisco, California: The Medium Corporation, 2018).

Christopher Richard Wade Dettling, Rational Versus Sophistical Hegelianism, (San Francisco, California: The Medium Corporation, 2018).

Christopher Richard Wade Dettling, Rational Hegelianism: The Pure Hegelian Conception of Genuine Hegelianism, (San Francisco, California: The Medium Corporation, 2019). [2018]

Christopher Richard Wade Dettling, Américanisme: Nouvelle orthodoxie hégélienne, (San Francisco, California: The Medium Corporation, 2019). [2013–2016]

Christopher Richard Wade Dettling, Americanism: The New Hegelian Orthodoxy, (San Francisco, California: The Medium Corporation, 2018). [2013]

Christopher Richard Wade Dettling, Americanism: Stronghold of Hegel, (San Francisco, California: The Medium Corporation, 2018).

Québécocracy Works on

Christopher Richard Wade Dettling, Americanism Versus Wilfrid Laurier and “Canadian” Liberalism, (San Francisco, California: The Medium Corporation, 2017).

Christopher Richard Wade Dettling, Who Murdered Duplessis, Sauvé and Johnson? (San Francisco, California: The Medium Corporation, 2016).

Christopher Richard Wade Dettling, Duplessis, Sauvé et Johnson: Pourquoi sontils morts? (San Francisco, California: The Medium Corporation, 2019).

Christopher Richard Wade Dettling, editor and translator, The Corrupt Legacy of Paul Desmarais (Special Edition), Robin Philpot, (San Francisco, California: The Medium Corporation, 2017). [2013+2016]

Christopher Richard Wade Dettling, Robin Philpot’s Argument: The Corrupt Legacy of Paul Desmarais, 2nd edition, (San Francisco, California: The Medium Corporation, 2017).

Christopher Richard Wade Dettling, Paul Desmarais and the Québec Regime in Ottawa 1968–2006, (San Francisco, California: The Medium Corporation, 2016).

Christopher Richard Wade Dettling, Paul Desmarais and Canadian Culture, (San Francisco, California: The Medium Corporation, 2017).

Christopher Richard Wade Dettling, The Rational Conception of Canada: Trudeau Philology and Trudeauisme, (San Francisco, California: The Medium Corporation, 2018).

Christopher Richard Wade Dettling, Pierre Trudeau and Trudeauisme: Functional Politics as Québécocentrisme, (San Francisco, California: The Medium Corporation, 2018).

Christopher Richard Wade Dettling, The New Canada: Margaret Trudeau Versus the Québécocracy, (San Francisco, California: The Medium Corporation, 2017).

Christopher Richard Wade Dettling, Brian Mulroney Versus American Protectionism, (San Francisco, California: The Medium Corporation, 2017).

Christopher Richard Wade Dettling, Brian Mulroney: Right Hand Man of Paul Desmarais, (San Francisco, California: The Medium Corporation, 2017).

Christopher Richard Wade Dettling, Jean Chrétien and French Chauvinism, (San Francisco, California: The Medium Corporation, 2017).

Christopher Richard Wade Dettling, Jean Chrétien and French Chauvinism (Special Edition), 2nd edition, (San Francisco, California: The Medium Corporation, 2018).

Christopher Richard Wade Dettling, Paul Martin, the Tainted–Blood Scandal and Canada Steamship Lines (CSL), (San Francisco, California: The Medium Corporation, 2017).

Christopher Richard Wade Dettling, Québécocracy: World History and Canadian Polity (Introduction and First Chapter), (San Francisco, California: The Medium Corporation, 2018).

Christopher Richard Wade Dettling, Québécocracy: Empire of Paul Desmarais (Incomplete), (San Francisco, California: The Medium Corporation, 2018).

Christopher Richard Wade Dettling, Québécocracy: Empire of Paul Desmarais (Special Edition), (San Francisco, California: The Medium Corporation, 2018). [2016]

Christopher Richard Wade Dettling, Québécocracy: Empire of Paul Desmarais:Endnotes (Special Edition), (San Francisco, California: The Medium Corporation, 2018).

Christopher Richard Wade Dettling, Charles Margrave Taylor’s School: Canadian Academia Under the Québec Regime in Ottawa, (San Francisco, California: The Medium Corporation, 2019).

Christopher Richard Wade Dettling, The Myth of Daniel Johnson and the Quiet Revolution, (San Francisco, California: The Medium Corporation, 2017).

European Modernity Works on

Christopher Richard Wade Dettling, Modern European Right: David Hume and the Negro as an Inferior Human Race, (San Francisco, California: The Medium Corporation, 2018).

Christopher Richard Wade Dettling, Gynokratie im Großeuropa: Deutschland und Ostpolitik im Merkels Mitteleuropa, (San Francisco, California: The Medium Corporation, 2018).

Christopher Richard Wade Dettling, Statecraft as a Form of Life: Translation of Rudolf Kjellén’sAfslutning om statens ändamål” and Introduction to the English Translation, (San Francisco, California: The Medium Corporation, 2018).

Christopher Richard Wade Dettling, AntiCopernican Revolution: TwentyFirst Century American Idealism, (San Francisco, California: The Medium Corporation, 2019).

Christopher Richard Wade Dettling, Kantianism and the Master Race, (San Francisco, California: The Medium Corporation, 2019).

Christopher Richard Wade Dettling, Kant’s Transcendental Concept of Race: Kantianism and Raciology, (San Francisco, California: The Medium Corporation, 2019).

Christopher Richard Wade Dettling, Modern Freedom: Eurocentrisme and the Master Race, (San Francisco, California: The Medium Corporation, 2019).

Christopher Richard Wade Dettling, Saul Kripke Versus the Holocaust? (San Francisco, California: The Medium Corporation, 2017).

Christopher Richard Wade Dettling, American Idealism Versus Noam Chomsky, (San Francisco, California: The Medium Corporation, 2017). [2016]

Christopher Richard Wade Dettling, Gaullism, Bonapartism, and Machiavellism in Europe, (San Francisco, California: The Medium Corporation, 2018).

Christopher Richard Wade Dettling, Rudolf Kjellén Versus Biopolitics: Statecraft as a Form of Life, (San Francisco, California: The Medium Corporation, 2019).


Christopher Richard Wade Dettling, Stronghold of Hegel: Modern Enemies of Plato and Hegel, (San Francisco, California: The Internet Archive, 2018). [2016]

Christopher Richard Wade Dettling, Rational Hegelianism: The Science of Noology, (San Francisco, California: The Internet Archive, 2018).

Christopher Richard Wade Dettling, Americanism: The New Hegelian Orthodoxy, (San Francisco, California: The Internet Archive, 2016). [2013–2014]


Christopher Richard Wade Dettling, Americanism: The New Hegelian Orthodoxy, (San Francisco, California: The Google Corporation, 2016–2017). [2013–2014]

Christopher Richard Wade Dettling, Stronghold of Hegel: Modern Enemies of Plato and Hegel, (San Francisco, California: The Google Corporation, 2016–2017). [2016]

Christopher Richard Wade Dettling, Dialectique et critique sophistique: Contre Platon et Hegel, 2e édition revue et augmentée, et première édition de langue française, (San Francisco, California: The Google Corporation, 2017). [2016]

Christopher Richard Wade Dettling, Américanisme: Nouvelle orthodoxie hégélienne, 4e édition revue et augmentée, et première édition de langue française, (San Francisco, California: The Google Corporation, 2017). [2013–2014]

Christopher Richard Wade Dettling, American Idealism Versus Noam Chomsky, (San Francisco, California: The Google Corporation, 2017).

Christopher Richard Wade Dettling, Americanism Versus Wilfrid Laurier, (San Francisco, California: The Google Corporation, 2017).

Christopher Richard Wade Dettling, editor and translator, The Corrupt Legacy of Paul Desmarais (Special Edition), Robin Philpot, (San Francisco, California: The Google Corporation, 2017). [2013]

Christopher Richard Wade Dettling, Who Murdered Duplessis, Sauvé and Johnson? (San Francisco, California: The Google Corporation, 2017).

Christopher Richard Wade Dettling, Brian Mulroney Versus American Protectionism (Special Edition), (San Francisco, California: The Google Corporation, 2017).

Christopher Richard Wade Dettling, Brian Mulroney: Right Hand Man of Paul Desmarais, (San Francisco, California: The Google Corporation, 2017).

Christopher Richard Wade Dettling, Paul Martin Junior: The Tainted–Blood Scandal and Canada Steamship Lines (CSL), (San Francisco, California: The Google Corporation, 2017).

©2018–2019 Christopher Richard Wade Dettling, Trumpocracy: The Trump Revolution. All rights reserved. This work is only for MEDIUM and the MEDIUM CORPORATION and its users: Users are not permitted to mount this writing on any network servers. No part of this writing may be reproduced in any form by any electronic or mechanical means (including photocopying, recording, or information storage and retrieval) without permission in writing from the author, except for reading and browsing via the World Wide Web.

We wish to thank our benefactors over the years for their goodwill: Humanity benefits greatly from the rise of Americanism in the world.

