《慈心法語》是 祜如尚士 大全覺法和 在不同場合或時間收錄的原話語錄,是世上少有的極其珍貴的,由此大修行者冒著生命危險,歷經六年無飲無食的大捨身大苦修後,親自躬身為人類世界宣說的語錄。
The ‘Maitri Dharma Book’ stands as the foundational scripture authored by our revered master, the Maha Sambodhi Dharmasangha Guru, also known as the Maitri Guru. It holds a rare and cherished place in the world, symbolizing the dedication and sacrifice of the great practitioner who risked his life by enduring six years without food or drink, commencing the Great Penance at the age of 15. Following this intense period of spiritual awakening, he personally disseminated his teachings for the betterment of humanity. These profound discourses were meticulously dictated, collected on various occasions, and ultimately compiled and edited in 2016. The Nepali version, marking the book’s inaugural edition, was published in Nepal in 2017.
Between 2017 and 2020, Handan Weiyang undertook the monumental task of translating the Chinese version of the book from its original Nepali text, working under the direct guidance and supervision of our Maha Sambodhi Dharmasangha Guru. The first draft of this Chinese translation reached completion on March 21, 2020, at the Sacred Forest Hut located within the Maitri Center at Patharkot in Sarlahi District in the Janakpur Zone of Nepal. The revision process was finalized in 2022 at the Maitri Center in Sindhuli, Nepal.
慈心法語2023 (最新)全書下載
慈心法語2023 (最新)全書下載雲端鏈接
一. 天道下濟,陽焰觸地
二. 法
三. 道
四. 稀有難得的人類生命
五. 人類自身生命中需要關注的重要事項
六. 業作
(i) “物質世俗業作”“世俗的性靈業作”與“全然的性靈業作”
七. 每日法儀功課及嘉帕、塔帕禪定
八. 貞法真貞與非法非真貞
(iv) 送終殯,宜火葬(頁面下半部)
九. 中文版後記:譯者的話
慈心法語2023 (最新)全書下載:
慈心法語2023 (最新)全書下載:
2012,參與 maitri bsds google group 義務志工翻譯組
2013,獲批准,開始在Maitriya(BSDS)官網開始義務翻譯 祜如 尚士 的開示(英文轉中文)。
2016 起,常駐尼泊爾慈心道場學習,與各個隱遁士師承道師一同學習研修討論慈心法。
2017,在十幾名國內外華人的見證下, 祜如尚士 應允由尼泊爾文直接翻譯”Maitri Dharma Pustak”.
2017 起,多次與 祜如 面談,並接受翻譯指導。
2020年3月21日,慈心法冊翻譯完成。所有翻譯均完成於尼泊爾薩拉希縣 祜如尚士 慈心聖林。
版權所有,嚴禁翻版,轉載請註明出處。聯繫: translate_cn@hotmail.com