All Stories published by The Awl on December 01, 2009

Extra-Dumpy Pants Making a Comeback

Stuart Elliott at the NYT is hysterical. Check it, he says, “FIRST, Justin Timberlake brought sexy back. Now, Dockers will try to bring khaki back.” MAHAHAHAHAHA. Isn’t that great? I mean, I don’t know about you but I think mashing that message into the squarest lead…

The Awful Rise of Snuck

Things are getting hectic over at Language Log, in a conversation about the rise of “snuck” instead of “sneaked.” (The chart at left: usage in the Times over the last few decades.) Notes one commenter: “Seems ‘received’ grammar has little stomach for regression toward non-standard false strong verbs.” FOREALS YO!

How Much Does the Modern Father Suck?

Lizzie Skurnick reads the Foer and the Chabon alike in search of understanding what’s gotten so hideously annoying about modern dads. “Foer’s unhinged screed against the dangers of the modern meat-industrial complex takes ‘me too’ fathering to a new level…. There…

New Zealand’s Space Mission Is Adorable

In a quest to be EXACTLY the place where Jemaine, Bret, and Murray WOULD come from, New Zealand has managed to launch a wee little rocket just slightly beyond our atmosphere into a stratum of area that could technically be called space. It then triumphantly…

In Praise of NaNoWriMo

National Novel Writing Month screeched to a halt at midnight last night, and, pencils down, everyone! Last year, 119,301 people declared that they would write a novel in November. In total, those people wrote 1,643,343,993 words. (That’s, on average, almost 14,000 words each.) They’re…

Who Killed Jane Austen?

A British medical researcher has put forth a new theory on the disease that claimed Jane Austen’s life. While previous speculation centered around Addison’s disease or lymphoma, “Katherine White of the Addison’s Disease Self Help Group has written an article for the British Medical…

From the comments on our list of Best Obama-Related Right-Wing Photoshop Movie Posters, a winner speaks: “May I say in accepting this glorious honor that it is only honest, right and moral that I return the the racism and contempt Barack Obama has for his mother’s white race by equal racism and contempt for his father’s black race. Obama is the scum…

It’s Science!

Scientific American gives you Seven Answers to Climate Contrarian Nonsense. Not that the people who spout contrarian nonsense in the first place are willing to be swayed by “reason” or “logic” or “science,” but, still, nice to have handy.

Bird Songs!

Ah, Minnesota: “For recordings of bird songs, call 612–673–7800.” Or you can save yourself the price of a call and listen on the web! They’ve got the Carolina Chickadee and the Red-breasted Nuthatch!

The Awl
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