All Stories published by The Awl on December 16, 2009

Two Views: The Lessons Of Hanukkah

Sarah Palin: “Known as the Festival of Lights, Hanukkah commemorates the eight-day miracle that took place when the Temple in Jerusalem was rededicated. Though there was only enough consecrated oil for one day, the flame miraculously burned for eight — just long enough…

How To Make Jokes and Puns

Today’s Post reports that “An officer conducting an inspection at a Bronx narcotics unit last week found a soft-core porn movie playing on one of the TVs in the facility, police sources said. The skin flick was playing on a satellite-TV premium channel. That violates an NYPD policy…

Your Fish Makes A Tasty Lipstick/Paint/Buttery Spread

Today’s Times op-ed on menhaden and the insane Omega-3 fish oil industry is pretty amazing. The practitioner of mass overfishing of the algae-chugging fish called menhaden is Omega Protein, a 40-boat company out of Houston that fishes in…

Goodbye Awl Offices

Free Wi-Fi in McDonald’s starts next month! Soon the only exercise we will get will involve walking up to the counter for more fries! It’s been a productive few millennia, human beings, make sure you grab yourselves an apple pie on the way out.

UK Getting Rid Of Checks (Or, As They Call Them, “Cheques”)

After a 350-year history, the humble check will be phased out in the United Kingdom toward the end of 2018. Alternate plans for transferring money are currently under consideration, but the traditional British method of extracting cash-at knifepoint-is expected to remain in place.

Listening In

On the radio: Classical music is dying, smooth jazz is dying, talk radio is less popular than previously thought, and more dudes listen to soft rock than had previously been admitted. Pussies.

Corrections of the year.

The excellent Regret The Error’s corrections of the year is up! If you’ve been paying attention to the Internet for the last couple of weeks you will have a pretty good idea of what takes top honors, but there’s a lot to enjoy here.

The Awl
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