All Stories published by The Awl on December 14, 2009

Something Horrible Happened to Tom Ford!

Tom Ford, whose movie A Single Man made $216,328 this weekend in its very limited release, makes, as we have noted, excruciatingly expensive and gorgeous clothes for men. (Women’s clothes coming soon-as soon as he raises $50 million to do the line, which, oh…

If You Look Young You Will Live Longer

Good news for those of you who are still getting carded: “People who look young for their age enjoy a longer life than those who look older than their years, according to a study of twins.” The study focused on “perceived age,” and over a seven-year period…

Is Everyone In Britain A Terrible Person?

And now to Wales: “Police hiding in a car with a disabled boy and his parents as they made the morning school run saw a man mimicking the child, a court has heard…. They saw Steven Beavan, 35, of Rhyl, Denbighshire, tap his head, adopt a limp and make…

On the Internet, No One Has To Know You’re A Lady. Problem Solved!

Ladies! You are doing it wrong, reports a lady who has been working as a man, on the Internet, for the last three years: “Taking a man’s name opened up a new world. It helped me earn double and triple the income of…

Australian Invertebrates Step Up Their Game

Kinda cool: “Octopuses have been observed carrying coconut shells in what researchers claim is the first recorded example of tool use in invertebrates.”

Morning Afters

The Chicago Tribune’s list of hangover remedies (water, wheatgrass, some other stuff) probably doesn’t contain anything you haven’t heard before, but the suggestion of “tomato juice with a shot of lime juice and sugar” intrigues: I’ve been drinking a glass of V8 every morning for the last month or so…

Read Elsewhere

Two good ones for all you theater people out there: New York talks to Stephen Sondheim and Angela Lansbury about their collaborations over the years, while the New Yorker chats up Christopher Plummer, who says this about living in a hotel: “It’s nice to have the bed done for you. That signals another…

Berlusconi Attack Obscures Awesome Underpants Doodle Story

After being assaulted this weekend by a mentally disturbed man who struck him with a statuette of Milan’s cathedral, Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi will remain in the hospital until at least Tuesday. The attack on…

Kathleen Turner Is Molly Ivins

More Molly Ivins news: Kathleen Turner will star in “Red Hot Patriot: The Kick-Ass Wit of Molly Ivins,” a one-woman show premiering in Philadelphia this spring. I could totally see this working.

Annise Parker Wins In Houston

This weekend Houston became the largest city in the United States to elect an openly gay mayor. City controller Annise Parker will be inaugurated next month. She has her work cut out for her. Still, congratulations.

Kids Today

Hot with the kids now: Pot, pain pills, and ADD drugs. Not so hot: Cigarettes, meth, and binge drinking. It breaks my heart to see this new generation turn its back on the classics. Why, when I was their age we used to binge drink uphill both ways etc.

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